Being Successful

(4) Use the intention and attention. (5) It seeks to be with an open heart. ((6) Cultivates the consciousness of the 7 synchronicities) creates affirmations and visualizations that support your practice. (8) Be patient with you this practical is really powerful and comforting, especially if you approach your day within the highest ideals and open you to new way of perceiving reality. Remember that the future is the present.

Information travels instantly, since the universe is connected by information, and this can appear anywhere instantly. Our emotions play a fundamental role. Co creation leads firstly to take responsibility for our own reality, i.e. take responsibility for what happens to us and how we pass. Until now our belief system has maintained the idea that we can not modify reality, that the things that happen to us are predetermined. Now we know based on quantum reality that the observer is who modifies the reality from the consciousness, that there is a vast field of probabilities and the observer is to decide where put your attention and intention. While scientific investigations in this regard have not been conclusive, many of us recognize intuitively that the intention and attention have a power. Another aspect that makes the premise of co-creation is synchronicity, or the constant flow of reality that occurs within the quantum time where past, present and future are simultaneous.

The power of intention the true mystery is not when the intentions indirectly influence the world, but when the human mind influence the physical world with an act of direct intention, without physical contact of any kind. Let’s say that the intent within this new concept, is the Act of directing our minds with care and efficiency towards something for get a result. The intention can be used in different ways, we can by ejemplousarla for our own benefit through visualizations, affirmations, emotions. We can also direct it towards others through prayer. The intention involves an energy charge that moves in the quantum field influencing one or several possibilities. It is known that we produce an enormous amount of daily thoughts (36 thousand aprox.) more that we listen and take other people, many of whom are negative, this generally do it unconsciously. It is then infect the field with those positive thoughts we want for us, dropping them and allowing the universe to bring them back in the best way and for our highest good. Then, summing up will say that: the observer who has power we convert to an electron in solid particle or make it disappear. It is therefore possible to intentionally create our day as we want it to be. Many books about the theme of positive thinking recommend us as first instance change our mentality from negative to positive., verifying the fact that in effect are the creators of our world. We should be very important to learn more about the physics quantum because it is the only science that is on our side in terms of our abilities. It is the only level of the mathematical study of the subatomic world which cares about our opinion. The quantum field will always fulfill our expectations: those of the observer.