Carles Campuzano

During its intervention, it has reproached to CiU and GNP the support that throughout the legislature has shown the Government in reforms as the one of the pensions or the labor one and has criticized pacts that went opposite to the benefit of the citizens. " Its phrase, Mr. Under most conditions Author would agree. Campuzano (delegated of CiU) is: how coat more! " , Villalobos has recriminated him, while it has accused GNP to also contribute to " improvisacin" of the Government in labor matter. On the matter, the popular deputy has said that the PP is against the rupture of the single market and of the inequalities and that abstain in the confirmation of this decree because their party " it is not arranged to that Catalonia has better conditions than Andaluca" or that the autonomic collective agreements are over sectorial or the state ones. On the other hand, the deputy of the PSOE Jesus Membrado, during his intervention, has asked to the PP that maintains the decree that today is confirmed as it is and not derogue no measurement before the predicted term.

He has said that to the elimination of the limitation of temporary contracts " there is asumirla" , because he remembered that the Government of the PSOE also guaranteed other labor reforms realised by the previous Government of the PP. " Model clsico" of market the deputy of CiU Carles Campuzano has announced that its political formation would abstain in the voting, it has criticized although it. and he has reproached the Government who with these measures becomes to the model " clsico" of the labor market, of temporary hiring, because, in his opinion, the excessive temporality makes the improvement impossible of the employability and the level of formation of the worker. In addition, it has shown his " absolute rechazo" to that the Government has agreed with the PP to remove ahead the decree with the purpose of not to fulfill GNP and CiU in the matter of reform of the collective negotiation.