City Politics

The public politics directed to the education in the city of Picu* ** Appeared Rosinalva Martins de Oliveira are known that in last the ten years, necessarily, in the government of president Lula, it has increased and very, the come back public politics to the education. Although to know that not yet it is the sufficient for an education of quality, it is undeniable the difference in relation to the governments had preceded that it. In the city of Picu, the public politics directed toward the education are gifts in form of assistencialistas programs, as: stock market family, the PETI, the AABB community, adopts it one becomes childish, pro the young others; also in the form of other directed programs more to the schools, as: PDE, PDDE, PENATI, PROINFO, beyond the inclusion programs as the multi-functional rooms, of merenda, the pertaining to school transports and others that receive partnerships private as the program from confrontation to the drugs, in partnership with the Banco Santander, that it searchs to take care of children in situation of social risk. Although our city makes use of all these programs, it does not brighten up the situation of the majority of our clientele of children and adolescents who depends on these programs. What we perceive, mainly in relation to the had programs as assistencialistas, is that badly they are structuralized, and the resources badly managed. It does not exist a purpose, an objective, or same a direct partnership with the schools, in the direction to collaborate with the activities, or same with the professors, in a joint action and objective to promote the real citizenship and the learning. The people who are the front of these programs are extremely laypeople, or unprepared. The majority is pointed by the mayor without no academic formation or of knowledge of the social reality of the community.