Crew Ship

It has always been the great doubt among the passengers of a cruise to guess who is the officer in uniform that we met in the restaurant or make a toast of honor. There are many stories of people seeing a uniformed officer think that he is the captain and try to take the photo of rigor, even if the assistant radio. Since I started traveling on a cruise always struck me the perfect functioning of all services of the ship. From the most obvious and direct the ship by the sea and reach our destinations to the most simple as the shower water runs hot. All this is thanks to a synchronized work of the officers and crew. A good way to tell who is who lives in their uniforms and badges. Here are the most important working on a cruise ship and how to identify them: 1 .- Captain (captain) is under maritime law who has the absolute authority on board ship. Its status allows it to retain any suspect or even a wedding.

This charge and oversees all departments. From navigation, daily on the bridge controls to the problems with the passengers. Everything is under their control and supervision. Usually it is who makes the welcome cocktail on board. 2 .- Chief (chief officer) really is the person who controls the bridge in connection with the captain. It's who you sail the boat and directs it along the route. It works in crisis situations (rescue at sea …).