Education Content

The content analysis is one technique of treatment of information. As technique can be used in some types of research and in such a way to serve equally the different levels of empirical inquiry of different sciences social human beings and. According to Valla (2001), ' ' the purpose of the content analysis will be, therefore to effect inferences, on the basis of a logic explicitada, on the messages whose characteristics had been inventoried and sistematizadas' ' (VALLA, 2001; p. 104). In fact we could the set of used metodolgicos instruments, made possible us a bigger explicitao and understanding to soon of our exercise of research. In this Bardin direction, (2004) it affirms that: ' ' The content analysis allowed a more faithful analysis of the reality, in the measure where for detrs of the symbolic and generally polissmico apparent speech a direction is hidden that agrees to unmask (BARDIN, 2004, p.37). In our research the analysis of the data collected in the field, during the participant comment will be carried through in accordance with the decoded explicativas categories of the transcribed subjects, that are: Education in the social movements, Identity and Formation Politics.

3.8 Auto refletividade: the experience of the field in the formation of pesquisador/the experience of the field in the area of social movements provided a bigger understanding to us of what indeed it occurs inside of this organization, as well as we could prove or refute what let us believe to be truths or unreal situations. The learning was differentiated and constructor of new perspectives concerning the social organizations. The main easinesses found in the place of ' ' pesquisa' ' if they had given in the direction of the integrant citizens of that movement to be one as much that susceptveis to the dialogue and, therefore facilitated our work sufficiently and gave in the confidence to carry through study of a calmer and trustworth experience the information harvested in that locality.