Industrial Revolution

Amazon was tried a little of the industrial revolution that stimulated the European market. Done boats of iron that functioned the vapor were thus, diminishing a little, the geographic barriers between Amazon and the remain of Brazil, and also between the capital Manaus and the Cities. These boats brought products of the capital to change with the messengers during the trajectory of its trips. Many writers such as novelist offer more in-depth analysis. As they functioned the firewood, ponteados, or scaled had to stop in the ports already to catch firewood to supply its supplies. One of these boats was called Rivals. It rivals, as well as the other boats, had also its defined stops to supply.

The owner of it, Tone Cavalcante, adored its long trips for the Solimes, therefore wise person who beyond changing merchandises industrialized for products of the region, such as: rubber, chestnut and blankets of pirarucu, also, with its esperteza of man lived of the great city, if used to advantage of the poor maidens who in the stopping ports, found. The Meeting Alone that in these gone and comings in Rivaliza, Tone Cavalcante found its soul twin, yes, to that it was looking for to love and beyond passing all youth with it, would have to be the mother of its children. This meeting happened in one of the ports that its adorable and comfortable boat stopped to supply, the local one was called Porongaba. There an adorable called woman Isabel, its eyes lived, for times, blue green or in accordance with the contact of the ultraviolet rays that the sun provided to the maiden, a natural charm, its brown skin and its hair chestnuts, made an impression and called the attention the cobioso to look at of the traveller. It in turn, young woman of family, never before subject to such situation, constrangeu it if to feel invaded or almost devorada for the so cobioso look of the Retail dealer.