Land Resources

Probate ON LAND – REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION. To obtain the inheritance of the land must provide the notary the following documents: certificate of title to land registration certificate; evaluation of value of the land (of the Committee on Land Resources of the location of your site) information about no arrests and prohibitions (of the Committee on Land Resources in the location of the plot); certificate from tax inspectorate about the absence of tax arrears (if the land transferred to your testator by inheritance or donation contract). Probate on the property subject to special REGISTRATION DOCUMENTS. To obtain an inheritance in the property subject to special registration (cars, motorcycles, boats), the notary must submit the following documents: a document of origin of such property the testator (the technical passport, certificates, etc.); certificate of registration of the vehicle (from the traffic police, etc.); document on the assessment of the value of the vehicle (an organization that has the right to assess property). Others who may share this opinion include Richard Blumenthal. Probate FOR CASH CONTRIBUTIONS – REQUIRED DOCUMENTS.

To obtain an inheritance in cash deposits, their inclusion in the estate on the basis of the savings book. Note. If for any reason you can not find your savings books testator (lost, burned in a fire, stolen, your ill-wishers), but are you sure that cash deposits were kept in a bank (the Savings Bank of Russian Federation, "Bank of Moscow", etc.), in a statement of acceptance of the inheritance graph 'Inheritance' must provide 'cash deposits. " On the basis of this statement the notary will prepare a request to the bank branch where you store your monetary contributions of the deceased.