Modern Man

The author also approaches the ideas of Kroeber, that in its article ' ' The Superorgnico' ' it showed as the culture acts on the man, thanks to which the humanity distanciou itself of the animal world. Among others contributions of Kroeber for the magnifying of the culture concept, are distinguished the affirmations of that the culture, but of what the genetic inheritance, determines the behavior of the man and justifies its accomplishments. Moreover, it considers that the man acts its cultural standards in accordance with, as well as standes out that the culture is the way of adaptation the different ecological environments. 5 Idea on the origin of the culture According to Laraia, one of the first concerns of the scholars with regard to the culture mentions its origin to it. According to diverse authors, between them Richard Leackey and Roger Lewin, beginning of the development of the human brain is a consequence of the life arborcula of its remote ancestor. Anthropologist David Pilbem mentions to it the bipedismo as an exclusive characteristic of the primates between all the mammals, affirming that practically all the primates livings creature have characteristic behavior of bpedes of time in when.

Beyond the scholars already cited, the author standes out the contributions of Kenneth P. Oakley, which detaches the importance of the manual ability, made possible for the erected position, when providing greaters stimulatons to the brain, with consequent development of intelligence human being. He still detaches, Claude Lvi-Strauss, the most detached antropolgico Frenchman, which considers that the culture appeared at the moment where the man stipulated the first rule, the first norm. In turn, the writer Leslie Whiter, North American anthropologist contemporary, considers that the ticket of the animal state for the human being occurred when the brain of the man was capable to generate symbols. 6 Modern theories on the culture In its boarding concerning the modern theories on the culture, Laraia mentions famous authors to it as Keesing, which approaches initially the theories that consider the culture as adaptativo system, spread out for neo-evolucionistas as Leslie White. However, this position was reformulated creative by Sahlins, Harris, Sheep, Rapaport, Vayda among others that although the divergences agree to many aspects related to the culture. For they, cultures are standards of behaviors socially transmitted; the cultural change consists an adaptation process first equivalent the natural election; the technology, the economy of subsistence and the elements of directly on the social organization to the production constitute the domain adaptativo of the culture; the ideological components of the cultural systems can have adaptativas consequncias in the control of the population of the subsistence, the maintenance of the ecosystem etc. Beyond these reflections, Keesing mention the theories to it culture idealists, subdividing them in three different boardings: culture as cognitivos, structural and symbolic systems, all searching explanations for the culture definition. According to Laraia, other quarrels concerning the culture had been and still they are stopped in this field of knowledge, therefore the understanding of the same one involves the understanding of the proper nature human being, what it becomes the inexhaustible quarrel.