National Congress

JOSE BRECHNER during the last 24 years Bolivia lived a utopia called democracy. It was the longest period of representative institutional life in his overwhelmed history of coups and revolutions. Bolivians could comment in the Forum, after too many authoritarian governments in which the Congress building kept their doors closed. The divergent positions were respected by the nascent parliamentarians who occupied a seat, in an atmosphere of camaraderie and civility rarely seen. But the fairy tale was short-lived.

After the first two generations of Congressmen in which in the Hemicycle discussed ideas of Lefts and rights, maintaining the decorum that makes any representative democracy, the opportunists who sought public office again to appear: buying a diplomatic status, a place in the legislative or Executive, or taking advantage of the compadreria and nepotism to bear a false dignity. The National Congress was filled with scoundrels without principles or knowledge which were sold to the highest bidder according to your personal convenience. Ideas disappeared and the only thing he imported was money; either the diets or that is generated mongering influences. The country returned to their traditional causes: of plundering the State. The most corrupt and aprovechadoras were left, who in exchange for locations, accepted any, govern them beyond all ethics and decency in order to receive part of the loot. The ideological decline was inevitable. Already did not philosophy but the piggy bank. If there is no ideology there is nothing to transmit.

Thus he ruled for 15 years, in which Lefts and rights formed an Alliance of interests to hold power. There are no ideas, stupidity gained momentum and thousands of Bolivians who understand little or no policy, decided to intervene in national events. That is the majority of the current political class, without decency, knowledge, morality and conviction, which led to a disappointed people of their tricks, chose the absolute disaster, choosing as President to the most dangerous provocateur of the animal House that bore Bolivia in the last decade.