Society Leaders

And whose drawbacks workers, lawsuits and reprisals by the constraints and land sales in the same manor house date back to very advanced and far dates the beginning of that constitutional action, in which the village of Las Navas de San Esteban renamed Villa de las Navas de San Juan … Consequently, the food supply to benefit vanish pasture for large herds (hence the meaning of sheepskin), whose lack of production by agricoalimentaria, the ordinary people, their families, suffer hunger, malnutrition and even death … Now, how do with the money that the municipality has to invest for the deal is fair, the mass reach in need, productivity and glorify lead local action? It should be any reversal latent, either from the state government or the municipality, as may be appropriate reference first: the goodness of a mayor, I would say that the people have not forgotten, and even add that has glorified intellectual and research base for the others … The story of a people is honored and will honor him for his willingness and contribution to others, even with funds from its own particular economy, for example, investment aid and benefit of the needy … Still, this patch and will only have effect immediate, and nothing else, is well exposed. So met again one year ahead and the problems remained the same, worse or similar large … Unfortunately, this is so, and as such, inevitable, except that all human beings enjoy the benefits of its own means of production: without gap between rich and poor … However, despite the economic and social distancing as crucial time, also the illusion and the bread, I imagine, would reach more hungry families and especially the little ones of that time.

Although to the misfortune of calamity would end the budget to produce a single person, not society leader, in whose pocket was privileged welfare of the local society, and again to misery and the pillory. Still, I feel that families could laugh for a year, and also the need to postpone some of the day of his death for another day of the worst calamities. Meanwhile, they could tell their grandchildren who spent a year more in the hope of reaching the bread and welfare that flows from the effort and sweat that they should stand … Even today, in similarity to the goodness of that mayor, I think that other mayor, the current, though ideology comes from traditional to equitable social distribution, "if you have two bicycles, one for you and one for your neighbor …" we will not ask for the benefits of their farms and private enterprises: driving, olive groves, farms, machinery … Although we could try, as we are lucky and accept the collective sharing approach that was born to look similar to the seventeenth Communist Russia. And so and so become independent of Socialism Pablo Iglesias, back in the twenties of the twentieth century …

The philosophy of life teaches us that any social action patched, a lifeguard should be understood as temporary and used to cross the pond, which is ultimately what we now interested by the global crisis. In contrast vanish property of many citizens, who are they and what are the provided. Do not forget that the "social wealth", even from the well-being that springs from clear democracy, wealth of society and the economy that would bring on the formation of different and unequal social centers, welfare is not for us to embrace all Like … Augustine Conchilla