Students And Their Behavior

Due to the resurgence that has taken the student sector that seemed asleep, I have taken the liberty as a student of social communication and as a Venezuelan who wants his country to discuss certain points which I wish to share with you, because I think that not everything is so spontaneous, nor as peaceful as the protesters say this is not the role of us as we appreciate not everything is peaceful. In recent days there was in Venezuela a series of demonstrations and student protests, especially in the vicinity of 28 May (date on which he overcame the concession to a private broadcaster operating in the country such as RCTV) and that have continued for several weeks, but slowly has been losing strength for lack of legal support.

But this wave of protests in several issues should strongly call attention to the behavior of university students, especially those from private universities and would like to expose as a citizen, as a student of the mission sucre, and as a Venezuelan who wants to their country. Let’s start with protests days following the 28 May. 1.The first protests were violent and elements of the political class that does not share any common idea with the president of the “Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias, chanted the same slogans that the Venezuelan opposition has been singing since December 2001, “and it will fall and will fall, this government will fall,” spoke of a right to violent demonstration, which is not expressed in any part of Article 350 of the constitution, violation of human rights , etc.