National Fascist Party

Most famous of these was salyutovanie lifting up his right hand. Economic crisis and ongoing strike of the left have strengthened the ranks of the fascists. Sen. Sherrod Brown contains valuable tech resources. They crushed the demonstrations and the headquarters of the socialists in Italy. In December 1921, Congress Blackshirts in Rome 'Union of Struggle' was transformed into the National Fascist Party. By the spring of 1922 it had 320 thousand people (40% of workers) in the summer – 470 000, and in autumn the number the Nazis had reached one million. Mussolini opted for the armed seizure of power. Fascism has a number of characteristics. First of all, it is nationalism and racism.

For the Nazis the interests of the nation is always above the individual, group, class interests. The latter, of course, should be sacrificed first. Fascism as it absorbed the whole wave of nationalism, raised on the eve of and during World War ii. And the greatest magnitude of the movement in Germany and Italy, largely due to wounded national feelings of the peoples of those countries that have completed national unity later than the others and came out of World War I not only weakened, but also humiliated: Germany – the terms of the Versailles contract, Italy – 'loser among the victors' – the fact that it ignored the interests of the Paris Peace Conference. Nationalism in Europe was not a novelty, he has always been characteristic of the conservative right-wing political forces. Have in common with the traditional right-wing fascists and admiration for the government: those, and others saw it as a center of national spirit, the pledge of stability and order. But the similarity of traditional conservatives and fascists ends. Fascism as a political movement of the xx century had absorbed a number of new features that distinguish it from the old conservatism.

The Nazis put forward and tried to enforce not just the idea of a strong state, but states totalitarian (from the Latin word totaliter – completely, wholly), absorbing a society. 'All for the state, nothing against the state, none outside the state' – these words express the essence of Mussolini's fascist ideas totalitarian state. In Germany, the implementation of this idea gave rise to a conflict with the Nazis the Catholic Church trying to maintain their traditional independence from the state. Such a conflict unthinkable for traditional conservatism, who saw in the church one of the pillars of social order. Traditional conservatism, moreover, reflected the interests of the few elite strata of the population: aristocracy, large financiers, who saw in the changes threaten their privileges

National Convention

Legislature was forced to disband, on 20 September 1792 he began the work of the National Convention. On the same day the French army defeated the German army at the Battle of Valmy, and a month later took Austrian Netherlands (Belgium). Since the beginning of the Convent was split into two powerful factions – the Montagnards and the Girondins. Supported the Commune of Paris Jacobins, headed by the Robespierre. Danton and Marat, received about 100 seats in parliament, and the Girondins – about 175.

The remaining 475 deputies were the center, balanced between the two locked in mortal combat parties. The National Convention began its work with the trial deposed king, who is now simply called "Citizen Capet". Already 22 September 1792 MPs abolished the monarchy and France was proclaimed a republic. After the trial, more like political farce. Louis xvi was condemned to death and publicly executed on January 21, 1793. For the death penalty voted 387 deputies voted against 334. Execution of the king became a major political step, which finally drew a line under a relatively peaceful course of political struggle. People who provoked the massacre of prisoners, and then signed the death warrant of any innocent monarch crossed the border, after which did not feel bound by any moral standards and no doubt began to kill their political opponents.

Victory Day

With the help of sketches the artist Benjamin Samoilova were made of plaster models of future car in scale 1: 5, and with the help of the most successful model – a prototype of the mahogany full size. Despite the events of 1943, when gas was on the verge of extinction, making the car did not stop. The first instance was created November 6, 1944. Despite the technical name of the gaz M20, this Machine got its popular name of 'victory'. Because at this time, it became clear to everyone that the victory over German troops near and inevitable.

For several years, gaz M-20 many times improved, turned into a symbol of prosperity then society and the people he so dearly loved this harbinger of victory, more than a future model of GAZ-21. He was and will be a great symbol of the nation's memory is not always successful life after the Second World War. And now most unlikely to know such a complex in the model name as gaz M20, but when he saw an old car with slanting wings, most cry out: 'Victory'! Since it is a symbol of the Great Victory over fascism of the civilized world, for many years Victory Day remains the most touching, most soulful holiday in many countries. Neither party can not be compared with the Victory Day. People in the medals, leading by the hand of children – the symbol of the invincibility of the Fatherland, a large the connection between generations.

Because of Victory Day, we particularly acute pride for his country's history and believe that we could overcome all the troubles. Because our country has a great history and great victories. And despite all the adversities of today Actually we are waiting for this day and are proud of themselves and their ancestors at this holy for every family, and all people daily. And we sing the old tune, solemnly announcing: 'Victory Day'! Here's how it is – one little word is a name that brings success, a sign of the automotive industry in the ussr and the big day to fight against . And how many more such important words for us, the origin of which we do not think?

Luiz Incio Lula

This fact is resulted of the historical fight of the Social Movement Negro' '. thus we had as positive reply the definitive confirmation of that it has racism in Brazil, guarded or explicit, and the valid one is that the question is being argued and that ' ' … are necessary public politics calls of affirmative action? specific politics of promotion of equality of chances and concrete conditions of participation in the society? for the overcoming of racism, of the discrimination and the racial inaqualities. … ' ' (ALEXANDER BIRTH, 2006 apud IVALDO RASP; 2008:59) to initiate a desconstruo, in the history and education of the peoples, who the Brazilian nominated citizen, has accepted the differences and pluralities that we are.

The black insertion of dates and heroes, of spaces with name of black personages also make part of the actions that they aim at to positivar the identity of the blacks. The black movement each organized and forceful time more and in 2001 when of the accomplishment of: (…) World-wide Conference against Racism, the Racial Discrimination, the Xenophobia and the connected forms of Intolerncia, had started to appear in Brazil, the scope of the public politics, the first concrete politics of affirmative action. (…) the lack of fulfilment of international conventions and carrying through a manifestation in the place of the conference, Durban, demanding politics of affirmative action and quotas for blacks in the universities. (…) After the presidential election of 2002, having as (…) President of the Republic, Dear Mr. Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, the racial question entered definitively in the agenda of the society. Resulting in the creation of a special Secretariat for such questions. (IDEM, P. 61) the creation of the system of quotas for blacks and of the special secretariat for the ethnic questions, shows possibilities of if initiating the changes in history educational, and literatures of history or exactly ficcional on the black in Brazil.

Barcelona – Middle Ages

After the Roman Empire fell under the attacks of nomadic tribes, the Spanish Visigoths kingdom was founded. Barcelona has become one of the major cities of the kingdom, thanks to the convenient porta.V 716 Barcelona was conquered by the Arabs. However, the Arabs really did not remain in the city. After only a century Pyadoso Louis, son of Charlemagne rescued from Barcelona mavrov.V 801 the first year of a new era in the development of Barcelona. Port of Barcelona became one of the largest in the Mediterranean, and the city itself has grown considerably in various aspects. It was then, and there was the Barcelona County, which became independent in 988.

Since 11 century, Barcelona has developed more rapidly. Special impetus to the development of the city to confer on the union of the County of Barcelona with the Kingdom of Aragon in the 12 century. King Alfonso the first was the first ruler of this new gosudarstva.Korol Jaime First engaged in pushing back the frontiers of the kingdom. Border Catalan-Aragonese kingdom to the south extends to Valencia. Jaime also organized an expedition to conquer the Balearic Islands, followed by Barcelona became the capital of the largest state in medieval Europe in the Mediterranean area.

Modern Man

The author also approaches the ideas of Kroeber, that in its article ' ' The Superorgnico' ' it showed as the culture acts on the man, thanks to which the humanity distanciou itself of the animal world. Among others contributions of Kroeber for the magnifying of the culture concept, are distinguished the affirmations of that the culture, but of what the genetic inheritance, determines the behavior of the man and justifies its accomplishments. Moreover, it considers that the man acts its cultural standards in accordance with, as well as standes out that the culture is the way of adaptation the different ecological environments. 5 Idea on the origin of the culture According to Laraia, one of the first concerns of the scholars with regard to the culture mentions its origin to it. According to diverse authors, between them Richard Leackey and Roger Lewin, beginning of the development of the human brain is a consequence of the life arborcula of its remote ancestor. Anthropologist David Pilbem mentions to it the bipedismo as an exclusive characteristic of the primates between all the mammals, affirming that practically all the primates livings creature have characteristic behavior of bpedes of time in when.

Beyond the scholars already cited, the author standes out the contributions of Kenneth P. Oakley, which detaches the importance of the manual ability, made possible for the erected position, when providing greaters stimulatons to the brain, with consequent development of intelligence human being. He still detaches, Claude Lvi-Strauss, the most detached antropolgico Frenchman, which considers that the culture appeared at the moment where the man stipulated the first rule, the first norm. In turn, the writer Leslie Whiter, North American anthropologist contemporary, considers that the ticket of the animal state for the human being occurred when the brain of the man was capable to generate symbols. 6 Modern theories on the culture In its boarding concerning the modern theories on the culture, Laraia mentions famous authors to it as Keesing, which approaches initially the theories that consider the culture as adaptativo system, spread out for neo-evolucionistas as Leslie White. However, this position was reformulated creative by Sahlins, Harris, Sheep, Rapaport, Vayda among others that although the divergences agree to many aspects related to the culture. For they, cultures are standards of behaviors socially transmitted; the cultural change consists an adaptation process first equivalent the natural election; the technology, the economy of subsistence and the elements of directly on the social organization to the production constitute the domain adaptativo of the culture; the ideological components of the cultural systems can have adaptativas consequncias in the control of the population of the subsistence, the maintenance of the ecosystem etc. Beyond these reflections, Keesing mention the theories to it culture idealists, subdividing them in three different boardings: culture as cognitivos, structural and symbolic systems, all searching explanations for the culture definition. According to Laraia, other quarrels concerning the culture had been and still they are stopped in this field of knowledge, therefore the understanding of the same one involves the understanding of the proper nature human being, what it becomes the inexhaustible quarrel.

The Maranho

The irregularity in the stations, with rigorous winters brought a bigger aggravation to the crisis; moreover, the railway line was damaged. years that had followed, dries, to get worse the situation. The central device was, in these conditions without substance suppliers cousin, and, therefore, soldier on barrack duty to function. Being vendido for third and resold for the Company Agricultural Progress, that also was to the bought at auction bankruptcy and in auctions for banks in the value of 90 stories, and, in a process of resales that if followed, arriving 750 stories. Through the state law n 800, of 22 of March de1918 aantiga colony where the related device was situated (today in ruins), was raised to the category of village and later by the law n 1052, of 10 of April of 1923, this village was raised to the category of known city as: They are Peter. Later, for the state decree n 75, of 22 of April of 1931, the city was extinct. After that reestablished for the decree n 121, of 12 of June of the same year. From then on, the city did not stop to grow.

In the decade of 60, the city of Is Peter had that to more than yield 50% of its lands for creation of the cities of Saint Ines and Santa Luzia. Emerso in a context bigger, Maranho, is important to emphasize that, from the decade of 20 the economic picture passed for a small alteration proceeding from the migratory flow northeastern, decurrent of droughts and economic crises, deciding partially the problem of the man power lack. The Maranho is concluded, therefore, that in the first half of century XX it continued with its primary aspects of subject production the fluctuations of the world-wide market. In the process of alteration of the economic picture, products previously considered of tip go to give place to babau and to the rice.

Anderson Ribeiro Olivae

When thinking about Africa is as an automatic message the co-relation between slavery, misery and exploration on the part of the Europeans. Still we are inserted in one eurocntrica appearance that persists in encircling the pertaining to school banks, creating a certain imaginary occidental person on Africa. This positioning is ratified in the words of Anderson Ribeiro Olivae m its article: history of Africa in the pertaining to school banks. Representations and imprecises in didactic literature. (p.430): If the objective is here to analyze the form as the Africans and the History of Africa had been represented in the didactic literature of History, becomes indispensable to make an incursion for some of the works that had tried to clarify as the imaginary occidental person on Africa and the Africans were gestado. Boardings of the authors on Africa and its representations in analyzed books are of little contribution to understand its context in such a way politician, economic, social and cultural.

In all these analyzed workmanships the authors place that the black was vendido as merchandise in Brazil of century XIX, for reinforcement of the workmanship hand, and as such indispensable age. Therefore it is important to remember that the black did not come of a disorganized continent, without culture, tradition and past. But for the colonizador European of Africa it was different, for this the African black was an inferior being and that it only served it stops to serve, an object, a thing, ignoring its history and its personality. According to Mattoso (2003, P. 24) Africa had true organized empires, with unquestioned tribes and authorities there, also met tribal confederations and cities put with its rich markets in the way of the gold, the spices and ivory. Its markets were rich in varieties of things as salt and until slaves, in all Africa if it found, fishing a people, shepherd, trader and agriculturist warlike what it makes in them to see that the European tried to erase the history of Africa as if he did not exist until its arrival, and unhappyly this eurocntrica vision this being reproduced until today in our Brazilian didactic books.


The dream did not finish, but it comes across the challenge to go beyond the governmental structures and to create alternatives in the groups of form that the liberating mstica does not erase the combat against the spot of the modern slavery of the wild capitalism. The black candidacy of Francisca Trindade, blunted in form of advance and conquest of the space and black power in the institucional politics as councilman of Teresina, later state deputy and Representative, come to falecer in the height of its work together politician the layers poor of the State of the Piau, left in us the lighted flame of the fight for the public politics to be implanted in the communities quilombolas of the urban and agricultural zone. This person knew to be militant a militant one, as I buzzed of the Palmares, in action in favor of the people suffered from the Piau. In its cabinet always she had the presence of militant of the black movement. Another organized group important was the Black Movement Unified – MNU created by Frei Leandro and Adriana, Estnio and Claude Melo among others militant.

The group searchs the enrollment conquest and politician its filiados of the black power, with agenda politics in favor of the independent black organization of the spaces coed-opt for the politics of the elites of Brazil. Involving the Piaui now. After some years of walked the black movement its part has grown inside of a optics directed toward each person making. However, this inside brought new dynamics of the creativity and decentralization of leaderships. Although the individualism is having advances in the direction of performance in the diverse areas is social, politician, cultural and economic. To follow the diverse groups will be cited that prominence in the communitarian and social works has had with attention the black culture. The Groups of black women organized civil entity that has grown, and has fought burning hotly for social projects and politicians in sight to raise auto-esteem of the black woman, are with new headquarters where he has developed diverse communitarian activities.

Depth Development

He who are learning the laws of nature expanded the boundaries of knowledge of the universe, trying in vain to understand the meaning of his existence. In the modern world, notably seen contradictory properties of human nature, complexity of his character. Logical processing, compiling factual observation and empirical research can penetrate into the depth of content, to identify pattern of development. In his description of the historical process we have tried to use macro-anthropological approach based on the Kabbalah. This approach to studying the interaction of man-nature "in the present Time is of great importance as a means of interdisciplinary study of coherent phenomena of nature, society, groups and individuals. We can say that the object of our study is to examine and describe the most effective forms of human interaction in society, which would be the most optimal manner the process of natural development of man, nature and society, led to the creation of conditions for the formation and development optimum form of co-existence of external and internal forces of nature.

New trends in understanding the historical process of mankind develops gradually, and the strength of its development is the growing selfishness in it. If in humans did not develop selfishness, the previous generation does not differ from the present, just as we see it in animals. Selfish desire is the essential nature of creation at all levels – is the only thing that was created in the act of creation of the universe. We called it the "desire to receive pleasure" or "selfishness".