Federal Law

It is in this narrow sense is necessary to understand the actual privatization of land resources. Based on the foregoing, it follows that the privatization of land relations – is a special case of granting land plots. Of all the acts of land legislation, the term "re-registration of land rights" is used predominantly in the Federal Law "On introduction of the Land Code of the Russian Federation. " "Renewal of previously granted rights to land is a form of land rights from the acts of the executive organs of state authorities and local self-government "3 and in this regard along with the other analyzed the concept of shareware can be considered one of the manifestations of a more general term -" provision of land. " These same manifestations include the concept of drainage and land allocation.

At the same time each of these terms has an independent legal significance, unnecessary confusion which sometimes leads to numerous land disputes. Observation lb Scheinin, the term "provision" is usually used when one wishes to emphasize that the initiative comes from the private complainant, claiming public land, and the term "diversion" – If it is a claim to public land by the state or municipal agency "4. From this position can be partly agree with the only proviso that the Land Code of the Russian concept of "removal of land sites uses including as a synonym for the term "provision of land, which characterizes any relationship to alienate land from the state or municipal property (Eg, Section 3, Article. 33). Category of "designated land" historically refers to any method of alienation of land from state ownership. Under most conditions Connecticut Senator would agree. In this respect, its use is similar to using a concept of provision of land and other manifestations of it. However, the current land law is the term used in two basic meanings: 1) to characterize the relationship to determine zones with special mode use in any category of land (Section 9 Art.

85, n. 2, 5, Art. 86, paragraph 4 of Art. 90, etc.), and 2) to characterize the relationship of allocation of land on account of land share a right of common ownership of the land – the so-called "Allocation of land in kind" (Federal Law on Turnover of Agricultural Land "). From all the above analysis we can conclude that the most generic term that characterizes the relationship to alienate land from public ownership, which has many manifestations and interpretations of their inherent, is the "provision of land." Maxim References: 1. nv Tartsan, na Popov, vn Tartsan. The rights of truckers and growers: legal advice. Questions and Answers, 2006. C. 71. 2. al Korneev. Transactions with land: the manual. M., 2006. C. 62. 3. ga Wolves. Principles of land law in Russia. M., 2005. S. 212. 4. lb Scheinin. Statewide Law of Russia: Textbook. M., 2007. S. 156, 168.

Labour Czech Republic

For example, the Czech consulate in Munich and Dresden continue to accept applications for entry in the turn on the filing of documents for citizens of Russia. Number of people willing to ride in Germany for the filing unit, the cost and terms of delivery for people with average incomes are not acceptable. Additional costs for travel and accommodation, plus the use of an interpreter with the Czech language, to pitch in Munich expensive. It can be assumed that the leadership was afraid of Czech consulates in 2009 to engage the consular levies for the reception documents for consideration and adoption of an epidemic of local decisions to refuse visas as happened in the fourth quarter of 2008. According to unconfirmed information, resume writing for submission to the long-term visas place from 1 June.

At the moment for immigration to the Czech Republic for citizens of third countries remains the most important and basic option – a design firm as a legal entity and the Czech Republic participated in it by the founders and directors. External The situation on immigration in the country remained generally tense and the desire of the Czech authorities is extremely clear. What happens in the domestic market of migratory movements in the Czech Republic? We turn to the bare statistics of the Ministry of Labour Czech Republic: the number of legally employed workers in the country declined for the three current months of 2009 to 23,200 people. number of citizens of Ukraine are in the Czech Republic on work visas, compared with March 2008 increased to 11,595 people and was in general, the amount of 78,029.

Interparliamentary Assembly

One of the general provisions of law – the possibility of free exercise of freedoms and rights of the citizen and the man, except in cases of abuse of their rights. Subjective rights in the private sphere can be the subjects of civil rights person, but not always is present occurrence of the subject in the legal relationship himself. Go to the origins of legal carry a limited capacity, the total incapacity to facts: the absence of a permanent place of residence, serious illness, lack of special skills, etc. Exercise a personal right person the right protects Institute of representation. Legislative design of its allows one person to delegate another entity to perform certain actions person-representative on behalf of the principal. Representation is fixed as a certain pravvovoy Institute in law cis member countries since its occurrence. The Civil Code of the cis member states, adopted the Resolution of the Interparliamentary Assembly on October 29, 1994, laws governing the representation of both public relationship are contained in Chapter 8 'Office. Power of Attorney.

" ha or the model code of the cis states are not much different from the Civil Code, except that in establishing the basis of nucleation local government is not part of government agencies. Civil Code of Tajikistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan and the Kyrgyz Republic adopted the provisions of the mc without. Such a move is very positive in terms of universalization of legislative acts, but at the same time in the legislation of countries included terminology neyasnosti.K example, the Civil Code refers to the reasons for the emergence of representation power of attorney, which is considered as a legal fact. At the same time, according to Clause 1, Article. 185 cc rf power of attorney – that authority in writing, issued by the represented person to the representative to represent to third parties. When referring power of attorney so the laws of Russia said on substitution and termination of powers of attorney. At the same time stop can only authority, but is not authorized in writing. In this case there is an assumption that legislator has used the same legal term signifying to several phenomena.

Many Strange Things

In Russia more and more strange things began to fall, from which may be affected population of humanity. What drugs are sold legally under the guise of aromatic compounds, from which people are dying to be more popular among young people, they most obezbashennye in smoking these blends, usually they die, because I do not know the steps, and the government that is in no hurry to act like that. A sort of gaming machines banned and took them to a special place, but yesterday Avtozavodskoi district of Novgorod, especially not straining already been in two clubs. Rules there is almost unchanged, except that the money you are now in the machine Do not push, and to buy voucher for a hundred rubles, then give it to the girl, which is easily manipulated hand puts you on a loan these same one hundred rubles. And another strange thing that just kills me, and it is associated with the swine flu, do not understand those people who, knowing that the abroad to roam the disease, still go there to relax, and then ill come home and begin to spread this infection. You ask what connection there? I'll explain it all from perishing mankind! ps People who operate the brain and make meaningful deeds!