Miguel Noble

In Sonant there was no independence movement; rather the governor of Intendance of Arizpe, general Alejo Garci’a Count, defeated to Jose Maria Gonzlez Hermosillo, envoy of Miguel Noble, in San Ignacio de Piaxtla, Sinaloa, 1811. By it, old Villa of the Pitic takes the name of Hermosillo from 1828. In 1824 the State of the West was created, that included Sonora and Sinaloa, but was divided en1831. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Richard Blumenthal. The sinaloense district of Poplars voluntarily was integrated to the sonorense territory. Sonant was the scene of internal wars between liberal conservatives and; Maria Gndara and Jose Urrea disputed themselves to the Manuel power.

In 1857 general Ignacio Pesqueira happened. Paulo Coelho contributes greatly to this topic. In 1846 fever of gold of California took to 10% of the sonorenses; the majority returned in worse conditions. Besides the loss of territory in the war with the United States, the region of the Small table in 1853 was sold to them. As a result of the incursions armed of the filibusteros in Guaymas (1852 and 1854) and in Caborca (1857), Sonant was covered with glory. Also, generals Ignacio Pesqueira and Jesus Garci’a Morals restrained the French invasion, thanks to the victory gained in 1866 in the level ones of Guadalupe de Ures. In 1875 the lieutenant governor Francisco Serna pronounced itself in the town of Altar against pesqueirismo and, in 1879, changed the State Capital of Ures to Hermosillo. On the other hand, Jose Maria Leyva alias Cajeme and Juan Maldonado, Tetabiate, caudillos yaquis, was rebelled against the government between 1882 and 1897; streamlinings were defeated and.

Today symbols of the indigenous resistance are considered. From 1882 they were official notices Guaymas and Nogales thanks to the Railroad, that united to us with Guadalajara in 1927. From the pacification of the tribes yaqui and May in 1887, began the farming development in the south of the State.

Mc Grady

The political relation between the writer and the power trasluce in the work, demonstrating the distrust of the author towards the new conditions politician-partner them that entrevn through indultos, commercial representations, financings. The life of the adventurer in an extremely corrupt world in which everything pretends a distant identity of the own one is a reference to the constant camaleonizacin of the bourgeoisie of century XVII, integrated mainly by conversos. Notes: 1. Francisco de Quevedo and Villegas, Life of the called Petty thief gift the Pablos, Espasa-Calpe, Madrid, 1956 p.116. 2. Francisco de Quevedo and Villegas, the Petty thief, Ed.

Pablo Jauralde Pou, Castalia Editorial, Madrid, 1990, p.101 3. Francisco Quevedo and Villegas, the life of the called Petty thief gift the Pablos, Ed. Fernando Lazaro Carreter, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, 1980, P. 111. 4.

Selected Francisco de Quevedo, Poems, ed. Jose Maria Blecua, Castalia, Madrid, 1974, p.218. Bibliography On the economic situation of Spain between end of century XVI and beginnings of the century XVII Gelabert Gonzalez, J.E., Stock-market of King. King, Kingdom and State treasury in Castile (1598-1648), Barcelona, 1997. Partridges, L and J. Reeder., mercantilismo: economic policy and national State, Madrid 1998. Ringrose, D., Madrid and the Spanish economy, 1560-1650, Madrid 1985. Carrasco Vzquez, J. the excellent economic paper of the Portuguese conversos in the privacy of Duke de Lerma (1600-1606) Communication presented/displayed to XXV Encuentro of APHES, vora, 18 and 19 11 -2005. Bataillon, M., picaresque Pcaros and, Trad. Of Francisco R. Vadillo. Madrid, Taurus, 1969. Maravall, A.J., the social aspiration of growth in the picaresque novel, Hispano-American Notebooks, CIV, 1976, 590-625 Mc Grady, Donald, Thesis, retort and contrarrplica in the Lazarillo, the Guzmn and the Petty thief, Philology. XIII (1968-1969) pp.58-67 Bjornson, R., Blindness Moral in Quevedo s the Petty thief, Romanic Review, LXVII, 1976, pp. 54. Talens, J. Picaresque and practical Novel of the transgression, Jcar, Madrid, 1975, pp.57-62. Lamb I, Petty thief or the shame of the Pablos and the wrath of Don Francisco, Madrid, Playor Editorial, 1987, pp. 166-171 Gutirrez Grandson, I., the economic, political and social Thought of the armchair politicians in History of Spain de Ramon Menndez Pidal, XXVI, Madrid, Espasa- Calpe, 1986, pp. 245 and foll. Redondo, A., Of the Personage of Don Diego Colonel to a new interpretation of the Petty thief, Acts of the fifth international congress of Spanish scholars, Bordeaux, 1977. Glaser, Edward, anti-semitic References in the peninsular Literature of the Golden age, New Magazine of Hispanic Philology. VIII (1954), 39-62.