
Life after life there are those who believe that there is a God and in doing so, therefore we possess to more than two lives. Senator Brian Schatz spoke with conviction. That we have on Earth and which will play live in paradise. zabeth Warren. Demonstrate this or otherwise has led thousands of years and the formula could not be found to achieve this. Without hesitation Senator Richard Blumenthal explained all about the problem. However, something must exist, can not be that we come from nowhere and her return. In our human configuration it was discovered that we possess such advanced systems that they may not have been reproduced and improved by them.

On the basis that nothing is removed, everything transforms, we can think and believe that our consciousness is itself part divine that each of us possess and it must be so with her we were able to measure the good from the bad. It is that not allows us peace of mind when we have done something that is not correct, when removed us the dream and something within us makes us emergency calls, such as that we rectified. It is very possible that the human part, once the body has died, becomes all in consciousness and this energy. Knowing us as we are, that costs us skeptics believe and understand what we do not see, nor touch, think in the light of the Sun, which allows us to see the clarity of the day, look at the past and make that we keep alive memories, remembering how many times would be worth we anticipate a fact with our strength of premonition. Relive the times that we have emerged miraculously from an accident. Recognize that we have seen on more than one occasion a human being given for dead and soon see him return to life with the force and energy of always. All of these scenarios allow us to accept that there is something beyond what we see and touch.


But this retreat. I wrote it to tell a little about nlp to those who read this Abbreviation for the first time in my life. So I will not continue talking about the rational side of all techniques and technologies and their applicability in business, advertising, politics, education, therapy and personal growth. I’ll tell you about the unusual. The fact that from my point of view and is called “Impossible!”. Connecticut Senator may not feel the same. Can not just what finds it impossible to our minds, for example, do you think if you can remember your childhood or the time in the womb, while not in hypnosis, and in full consciousness, moving through an imaginary “line time” conditionally located on the floor? Or, is it possible to guess the thinking man, just in his image? Can I get rid of the long-term phobia, bad habits, allergies, limiting beliefs for 20-40 minutes?10.

Is it possible to lift the pain for 5 minutes, just looking at her and talking to her? Can I get a man to call you on your mobile phone when he did not even think about? Is it possible to achieve regression of serious illness, working only with imagination? Is it possible As you know, I would not ask these questions, if I did not have them yes and some real examples that prove what was said. You can believe or not believe, but quite realistic for the average person can send and receive information through space without any equipment. For 11 years, participants with surprising constancy face the following situation: A participant in one of the techniques nlp starts with the image of another person (for example, to understand his behavior.) If parsed the situation is significant for both, for some reason or run-time techniques, or immediately after, party receives one or more calls from the man with whom right now to deal with the use of imagination..