The Chamber

They are domestic problems and this practical has that to finish. It is a cultural problem, all find that the public power can everything. In these times of lack of resources it is good that all are pledged for the change of these habits. The economy in the consumption of water and energy is another sector that must be coats. The schools, the sectors of the administration, the free fairs, the ranks of health, all must start to save, for this, if it would establish a goal of economy in this sector.

This economy could be transferred to another area, as the payment of employees, for example. The daily ones of commissioned employees only must be controlled and set free those of extreme interest of the city. To search next to federal agencies state, the retaken one of the paralyzed workmanships, so that new jobs are generated. The Chamber must approve the law that regulates the collection of the Public Illumination, therefore the city does not possess ballast to arcar with this expenditure. The sector of taxation of the city must be pledged in receiving debts behind schedule. To acquire knowledge the population for the necessity of the garbage collection, therefore what it sees is that many living ones only place its garbage, after the collecting car passing. To use regional products (jerimum, macaxeira, vegetables) in merenda pertaining to school of the city, being thus guaranteed, the purchase of the production of the small producer. To finish with the culture it clientelismo through purely eleitoreiras actions, substituting for investments in the road estruturao of the city. Creating front of works for the execution of small workmanships. With measures directed toward the balance of the public expenses and the constant search of generation of job and income, the city of Maus will not feel the depth of the crisis.