The Investment

To restore the right to him of subsistence to the settlers and sovereigns of the river and to take tending urgent measures to the establishment from policies for the prevention and protection are a urgent necessity, that it justifies the existence of a sectional institutionality like the proposal by the managers of the project, stops that it makes cash established in article 43 of the law 99 that it looks for to guarantee the viability of all those projects that entail the use and advantage of the water without concerns their aim or destination All project that involves in its execution the use of the water, seizure of directly natural sources, is well for human consumption, recreation, irrigation or any other industrial or farming activity, will have to destine, not less than a 1% of the total of the investment for the recovery, preservation and monitoring of the hydrographic river basin that feeds the respective hydric source the proprietor of the project will have to invest this 1% in works and action of recovery, preservation and conservation of the river basin that determine in the environmental license of the project But in addition makes indispensable create a stamp like environmental tax at departmental level by means of decree to all the companies and boats that of one or the other form explode and they contaminate to the river by the perimeter of the new being. Paradoxical and the unacceptable thing is that while this zone acclaims solutions of the water problem by floods, that is to say, excess and it cries envelope, who the unique thing that obtains is to increase its volume, failing to take advantage of it, other near regions as are the departments of guajira and stopping, the problem is by defect, until the point to have itself that to implant irrigation districts to operate the land and to assure hydric sources consumption towards the future. Paulo Coelho usually is spot on. . .