The Life

As well as he did not obtain to enclose the proper rationality of the orality, a rationality that folloies the human being throughout all the life, in all the societies, this model of school also does not obtain to enclose the complexity of the current world and to incorporate the new forms of organization, thought and construction of the knowledge that are emerging with the TICs. (BONILLA apud CIBERCULTURA, 2009, P. 33). However, being in full vigor and advance of the conditions estruturao of the new partner-cultural paradigm in the society hodierna, namely, the cibercultura, the pedagogia insists on if keeping modern centered in the logic of assimilation of techniques and knowledge. It elapses of this, that the school if keeps firm in the intention to have a relation ‘ ‘ utilitarian-instrumental’ ‘ with the education technologies. As he points Pretto, you are welcome he advances to educate in the cibercultura if the pedagogias not to give conditions to work with the difference while fundante element of the human process. (…) you are welcome he advances to think about preparing for the future as being a preparation for the market, to prepare for the future, if this preparation to continue centered in the teaching and the learning of techniques for the simple use of the technologies, understood as still on to the logic utilitarian-instrumental’ ‘ (PRETTO, s.d., P. 172).

To understand the TICs, in the nucleus of the school from this pedagogical reducionismo ‘ ‘ (…) it empties the TICs of its basic characteristics and the education continues as it is, alone that with new and advanced resources tecnolgicos’ ‘ (PRETTO apud BONILLA apud CIBERCULTURA, 2009, P. 37). Ahead of this paradoxical situation that if finds pedagogia in relation to the direction of formation of the cibercultura, the research in education needs to understand the cibercultura as ‘ ‘ (…) the set of techniques (material and intellectual), of practical, attitudes, ways of thought and values that if develop together with the growth of ciberespao.