The Memory Of The Forgotten Heroes Without Hypocrisy

My family: me, my three small, defenseless children and my father and the civil party to the Second World War were without the rights and livelihoods. My father, being old patient in spite of our plight, decided to open a secret their origin: you know we do not carry our name, I was and remain a Makarov. My grandfather was a Makarov Makar, a military man, he was the Russian-Turkish war and the Japanese, he was personally acquainted with the Admiral Makarov, General Stessel, Fok … If not be difficult to find their roots. My grandfather Makarov Makar Varfolomeyevich was among the 13 thousand left in the ‘live’ after the ‘betrayal’ kommendanta Port Arthur AM Stessel.

Port Arthur defended crazy heroes. Port Arthur was cut off from the outside world. Gene. Kuropatkin not obey the order of the Emperor deblokade Port Arthur, a fortress defended themselves. Vicar state Alekseev demanded the emperor’s name to help Port Arthur, but nothing Kuropatkin made. Seeing such disregard for the orders of the Emperor, asked for the resignation of Alekseev. Seeing this mess Chief of the Kwantung strengthen AM Stessel decided to defend themselves with force of 34 thousand against 300 thousands.