The Wisdom Of Solomon

My intention with the following speech is not to convince anyone, nor to demonstrate anything, even if it's true what they'll tell you, it's just an idea that I think may be curious. I was reading "Guide to the Bible" by Isaac Asimov (a great book), a page at random, a small paragraph that talked about the political situation of the Israelis at the time of the judges. The judges this misunderstood word in our Bible, as it relates to judges but not leaders, whose primary function in peacetime was to mediate disputes in their constituencies, create laws, administration, in order to carry out functions tribal leaders. During this period the Israeli people was formed by a number of tribes had in common culture, language etc., But that did not exist as a country, so easy that they were subject to the whims of power outputs, so is easy to see that people were weak and easily conquerable. This got me thinking about biblical characters as Samson, King David, or his son, King Solomon, and on this I want to talk. More specifically from a construction temple described as great and that has given rise to many legends that have resulted in other etc., And from old is believed to contain the key to deciphering the secret name of God, the word with the it is assumed that God created the universe. About all this mythology is born secret societies attempting to protect the secrecy around, get other, always a struggle of good against evil.