Treasury Regimen

The act hardest of the military regimen occurred in 1968 ends, with the instauration of the AI-5, not forgetting that the political parties had been extinct (it only remained the ENCLOSURE FOR BULLFIGHTING and the MDB). The contradictions of the military governments had been diverse that the Congress was open and closed to the default of the agent chief executives, the press were censured and the persecutions intensified politics, had increased the tortures, the murders and disappearances of people, institutionalizing, the violence against who dared to question the regimen. At this time &#039 occurred the such; ' miracle econmico' ' of Dolphin Grandson, then Secretary of the Treasury, that he affirmed that the country grew and the middle class starts to have greater purchasing power, but increased the number of the empobrecidos ones accenting the social inaquality. The crisis of the oil in 1973 was a hard blow for the military who, already without the same support of the bourgeoisie, with serious internal divisions and suffering pressures from the population start if to rebel against the AI-5, when met the way for ' ' opening, slow, gradual and segura' ' proposal for Geisel. In the decade of 80 &#039 was made; ' reform of partidos' ' , stimulating the creation of new parties politicians and the return of the old ones.

Em1984 acampanha for ' ' Direct J' ' it demonstrated that the military regimen was with its counted days The military regimen, in democracy term, finished if becoming a retrocession. The lack of democracy, the terror, the violence, impunity, the censorship, the lie and the murders go to even introduce in the country the feeling of shame of being Brazilian. As it affirms a professor who suffered in the meat the stigma from the regimen: ' ' I think that the effect arrasador of the blow in the country was given in the plan of the ethics. To be ethical started to be synonymous of subversive or then idiota' '. Memorable the 31 of March of 1964 and the military regimen needs to be studied in the perspective of if understanding History, leading its prosperity and growth that while happened the military governed, but the democracy and the manifestations of freedom had been also restrained. We live the democracy again with imperfections injustices, but we must always improves it.