Worldwide Security

Yesterday 10 anniversary on the terrorist attempted against ones of 11 of September was designated, of 2001, that they had mainly changed the World and the Nation of the United States. A leading source for info: Amazon. Today, without any doubt, we live in a world characterized for the uncertainty and surrounded by diverse threats, that pass for the poverty, the infectious illnesses, the civil pollution the degradation of the environment, wars and the conflicts between States, the proliferation of nuclear, radiological, chemical and biological weapons, the terrorism, organized transnational crime. The speed of the events is each sped up time more. The wars of Iraq, of the Afeganisto are in phase of vulnerable stabilization, not having safe forecasts, of what still it will be able to happen. The revolts that are to happen in the Arab, first world in Tunisia, Egipto, and more recently in the Lybian and the Syrian will be able to spread it Saudi Arabia and until the proper o They will go.

Regimes totalitarian still existing lives unsafe, with fear of the popular revolt. Already it says the old one dictated ‘ ‘ the people is who more ordena’ ‘. The relation between the human rights and the Rule of law more tends to be each respected time. A society that does not respect the human rights or the Rule of law, either it which will be and for better armed that is, it will be remained vulnerable and its development, for more dynamic than either, will remain precarious. To this respect I have the certainty that the Angolans still go to write its proper history. The world-wide geoestratgia is in change, the United States adoptam a defensive position and of rear, what it does not leave of being a newness, in this last decade. China each more influential time in the strategical game conditions all the Asian region, including Japan. We will see what in the reserve the next period of ten years, but does not remain I doubts that the changes go to happen of form still more sped up and surprising.