
If you asked the same question, you probably would have shrugged their shoulders? How could still learn experiencing anything a newborn? Because the newborn – there are still dumb, tell us about it, he can not. James Donovan Goldman Sachs usually is spot on. But we know that newborn is a complete set of automatic reactions – the so-called unconditioned reflexes: put it on his tummy and he will turn head left or right: it's a protective reflex give him a leg to lean on the hand – he will move forward a little. This reflex is crawling. There are in this set is absolutely necessary and reflexes, which in contrast to previous cells do not die, for example, breathing. Included in this group and the first cry of a newborn – the most famous jerk. And yet, if we return to the question "whether the newborn is suffering?" Malosveduschy opponent will answer: the newborn can not see, not hear, does not understand, he has no consciousness.

There is no consciousness? Despite that, under these understand. He has no words – it's true. But is there is no language without words? If a person glotnet boiling water, if need be to him the words to express the pain? The child does not speak? Not true. That we do not hear it. Does not feel? Too true. He feels. All the pain of birth, and it is of immense intensity and richness of suffocating feeling. They will fly on the kid like an avalanche, like a flurry.

Social Wealth

The deterioration of the quality of people’s lives improved while industrialized countries in bad developing so-called deteriorate, it must be why so they call them. Congressman Lee Zeldin may find this interesting as well. The reality is we all know because, just that very few do something to resolve it, there is not a clear direction of the course to be taken our underdeveloped nations who live only for two things: 1. defend themselves from poverty, crime, guerrilla, etc. 2. Enrich the industrialized. Makes really sad to see how countries live off others without any pain, see how we saqueamos what little is left to those Nations that provide us with food and cheap labor, rather than unite and close ranks to prevent hunger in the world, Yes, cheap because we don’t have clarity that if something happens to themto us we also affects our economy.

Corporate Social responsibility is part of the answer to this issue so thorny, if enterprises are beginning to understand that we are part of the same world, the same universe, We can solve part of the problem. If they contribute to the well-being of those Nations, of these vulnerable populations, improving wages, improving recruitment and hiring more people in their companies, their income will automatically improve and social investment would be much higher. I’ve noticed that lately large millionaires and billionaires have given part of their fortunes to that end, they will realize that soon their companies will be even more rich and powerful thanks to that gesture. It is very simple and anyone can understand it, do not need large math to do so, if 65% of the population that today is unable to buy certain products access, improves their income and makes it, immediately production rises, employment goes up, quality of life goes up, reaching levels that are unimaginable, just stop fighting by cake that Yes can buy and generate wealth to those who today can not buy their products, the result will soon be increasing their profits. If achieved only a 10% increase in the people purchasing power, reduce hunger in the world, at least by 30% if we increase to 20% that purchasing power, we would end up with hunger in the world and these people who run companies would have 20% more income in their companies, States would have better income to pay their debts and improving housing, education and infrastructure, only you can imagine what could happen if this understood it medium and large employers who only want profits for them. Understand that companies are for the service of humanity is complicated, but we must make the effort to achieve it, they provide a service to society and that service must generate value and must generate wealth, among more, better in the capitalist system. I propose a social capitalist system, where a small part of that capital is redistributed in a very special manner between the population that helps generate that wealth, that businessman speak buyer, buyers, because without them it wouldn’t be possible to traders and industrialists they obtain that wealth.

Only redistribute differently from the present a small part of that wealth to generate you turn more sales, more wealth and that instead of only climb on the social pyramid lower a percentage ending hunger. Go back to those people, compulsive buyers in their companies, only in companies committed to end hunger program. Put an end to the divide between rich and poor if possible and in less time than you imagine, only need your commitment and dedication.

Happy New Year

There is a famous festival, which people celebrate in most countries of the world, regardless of religious, political, ethnic or other differences. Given this fact it is no wonder that this holiday is associated not with historical events, and with the event chronologically. Every year on December 31, at midnight, or rather in the first second the following day, ie on 1 January, new year begins! Why is this festival so popular? Man tend to be optimistic about the future, even despite the fact that these hopes are not always true. In any case, on Dec. 31 year old, with all its joys and sorrows to the past, but in the new year there are still many days to do something important, including last year to correct the error. Not one New Year’s Eve is not without greetings and wishes. With the New Year is usually associated with the most pleasant memories, some current successes and victories, or just happy event.

Therefore, New Year’s holiday in the first place requires a solemn words, congratulatory speeches and sincere wishes. And congratulations to the new year are the main attribute of this holiday. As for tradition, according to which adopted to celebrate the New Year, given the very broad geographical localization of the holiday, here is difficult to say something defined. Say this familiar to us, and seemingly unchangeable attribute as festive Christmas tree, in hot countries usually changes to a palm tree. Even the appearance of good character who come to these days (with gifts) to children of different countries differs substantially.

And the dishes on the festive table, depending on the national cuisine, there are very different. It is no secret that national and religious versions of the New Year (celebrated on different days) exist in around the world to this day. In Russia this holiday is the Old New Year (celebrated from 13 to 14 January). However, in the age of globalization, these options have long been in the shadow of the international celebration, that is, congratulations New Year often hear it on December 31. So it will be this time, because the front – New Year 2010!