Combating Poverty

We can not separate the human and social nature that the Bible has this concept of Salvation, Liberation, because it is closely linked to the concept of the Kingdom of God. Humanity is saved wholly or sentence to a life of eternal exploitation. Poverty is a social sin. The concept of poverty can only be identified and assessed from the perspective of the social, human. The Beatitudes, defined as the poor and hungry, they cry, the despised and hated, the excluded or expelled, insulted and despised, these are human needs and feelings clearly. We then ask ourselves, Who are the rich? The biblical text places them, of course, on the opposite side of the definition of the poor. They are the ones so far have had their joy because they have been satisfied, those who laugh now, those who have never been excluded but rather have been praised.

Which are also, feelings and human satisfactions. Therefore we define poverty as a social sin that should be mandatory social and fought. Combating poverty is good to pray, but that's not enough to combat poverty, we must empower the poor. We have to see salvation, liberation and awareness to the socio-economic reality of Latin America. That's why from the Theology of Liberation, we must conceive our work as a work of communicating good news, this is not simply the work of awareness. This is an eminently political and ideological work, because tries to combat the ideology of an empire that uses all means in their power to mediate and control.