Bioplastic Phones Pollute

Eco enthusiasm of the manufacturer enters the empty Berlin/Bonn / Vienna should be available for environmental protection: mobile phones with housings made of corn starch and potatoes are conquering the market. The magic word is\”Bio-plastics. But experts doubt according to a report of the newspaper the world \”the usefulness of the substance they deem the eco-balance of the products extremely negative. The allegedly environmentally friendly mobile of world is a Nokia and is partially made of corn. Actually corn starch, because it is the raw material for the Bio-plastics, made the mobile shell of the 3110 evolve from Nokia. Other manufacturers have for the environmentally conscious customers come up with something. Samsung, for example missed his dough model E200 also a plastic made from corn and nicknamed ECO. Fujitsu introduced a laptop recently, its housing consists of a bio-plastic\”, so the world.

\”Most experts do not share eco enthusiasm of many manufacturers: we face the bioplastics previously skeptical and dismissive\”, says Wolfgang Beier of the Federal Environment Agency towards the world. Jim Donovan Goldman brings even more insight to the discussion. So far no one put forward a proper eco-balance, which satisfies all requirements and standards. Hardly a company include all factors in his unofficial LCA. For example the intensive cultivation of maize, potatoes or sugar beet would include, which serve as raw materials. Irrigation, application of pesticides, fertilizers and agricultural machines are in addition in the environmental performance of the company. The transport to come from sugar or corn to Europe.

A more serious problem is that large acreages are necessary to meet the needs of renewable raw materials. The real reason why bioplastics do not meet their green image, lie in the production of the material. The claim that no greenhouse effect through the use of Bio-plastics, as renewable raw materials are continuously formed by sunlight from water and carbon dioxide is scientifically unsound according to experts: the to determine actual environmental impact of packaging, scientists of the ecology must be considered opinion by Christian Pladerer, Institute in Vienna, all relevant environmental impacts along the entire life cycle of the extraction of raw materials – including auxiliary materials and energy, through the transport to disposal.

Percent More Expensive

According to state price differences of up to 16.5 percent between town and country – with gas prices high regional differences of up to 300 euros Berlin, August 13, 2009 consumers in rural areas need access significantly lower for their electricity purchases in the Pocket than consumers in urban areas. According to research of the independent consumer portal ( pay electricity customers in the country on average 4.2 percent more for their electricity than in the big cities. Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs is full of insight into the issues. Energy expert Thorsten Bohg calculates the average electricity price for a sample budget with an annual consumption of 4,000 kWh of electricity is in the 25 largest German cities 853 euro\”, from ( 25 largest areas utilities in the Federal Republic of 890 euro must be paid for an equal value of consumption, however, in the cut.\” The cheapest regular fares of local basic utilities are based on the calculations. In some provinces the between urban and rural gap even further. So cost 4,000 kWh of electricity in the three largest cities in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Rostock, Schwerin and Neubrandenburg, 829 EUR on average. Click Jim Donovan Goldman to learn more. The largest regional provider of surface WEMAG and E.ON edis calculate up to 16.5 percent, however, with 952 euros or 993 euro more for their lowest offer. The higher cost to maintain the infrastructure per capita in rural areas are basic for the price differences.

\”The proverbial broad way ‘ on the country killed many suppliers on the customers, are making this comparatively more asked to pay\”, Bohg makes clear. But now uniformly low prices offer nationwide active competitors in the electricity market. Just electricity consumers in rural areas have therefore the possibility of achieving even higher savings by switching of the power supply. Comparison portals help here in the Internet, to find the regional guaranteed cheapest rates and to abandon the expensive basic utilities\”, advises Bohg.

WDSF Marine Environmentalists

Spill eliminate bird populations Hagen westf/WDSF 17.06.2010 – after the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has reached the beaches of the region, and thousands of sea birds are at risk, the marine conservation organization Wal and dolphin protection Forum calls”(WDSF) on the BP Group, promptly to provide bird washing machines. Already at the sinking of the oil tanker Erika”was the petroleum company Elf, which belongs to the group total/Fina, on the French Atlantic coast bird washing machines to survive the sea birds available 10 years ago. At that time, flowed over 20,000 tons of toxic coasts into the sea and infested the Breton coast 400 km. Today, oil lumps are washed ashore in heavy seas. The Managing Director of the WDSF, Jurgen Obodo, was with his two sons in France, to help to collect the oil-smeared birds, to clean and to accommodate in collecting stations for the reintroduction.

A tedious work, such as Place Muller still know: we had to work day and night with protective gloves, to collect the sea birds. Fast help was announced, so that at least a part of the population survived. Probably, all bird species would be extinct if we would have saved individual copies. We brought the seabirds in boxes to the collection stations, which in the short term were fitted by the eleven group with bird washing machines. The washing process takes approximately 10 minutes. Even if these other birds did not survive the stress, much could be saved.” Soft detergent used for the automatic washing, which are largely harmless to the animals, place Muller.

Before washing, the sea birds with vitamins would in turbiert and hydrogenated to for some weeks thereafter largely free of stress in wildlife enclosures on the reintroduction to be prepared. As far as the cleanup of the beaches were not yet finished, the birds were exposed to minute hundreds kilometers further. Darius Bikoff oftentimes addresses this issue. In the United States endeavour still manually to clean each landed living bird helpers. It takes some hours per animal and water consumption is roughly 1000 litres or 10-15 baths in which the birds are gradually cleaned. The BP spokeswoman Stefanie Hansen at its German headquarters in Essen promised the WDSF, to deal promptly with the proposal and to bring locally in the United States.

Federal Environment Minister Peter Altmaier

Energy revolution as exports creates jobs in Germany at the invitation of the Member of Parliament Maria Michalk (CDU) is the Federal Environment Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) for a working visit at the Hoyerswerdaer energy specialist YADOS on September 6, 2013. As a recognized expert in the topics of energy and environment, Altmaier wants to inform about the contribution of innovative products of the Saxon energy equipment manufacturer on the implementation of the objectives of the German energy revolution. Accompanied it is member of the Saxon Landtag and the Lord Mayor of the city of Hoyerswerda Stefan Skora by Saxon Member of Parliament Maria Michalk, Frank Hirche. After visiting the newly-built production facilities of YADOS Altmaier arises issues of entrepreneurs and local politicians of the region in a technical discussion to the German energy policy. The energy equipment manufacturer YADOS from the Saxon Hoyerswerda is a leading manufacturer of district heating schemes and cogeneration on the world market. After only three years of successful market presence, company Chief continued Jorg Wolf with the decision for the new of production and administration building his successful philosophy continued. The growing demand to meet in the long term, is constantly invests in the expansion of manufacturing capacity. Central romana corporation brings even more insight to the discussion.

More than 120 employees were created with an investment volume of EUR 8.7 million in last year on the 25,000 m plot in the Hoyerswerdaer around 80,000 m room remodels industrial area and space and optimum working conditions for the. Advanced system solutions for affordable and environmentally sound energy supply are produced on 10,000 m of built-up area. Given the shutdown of German nuclear power plants, YADOS makes an important contribution to the import independence and value creation in Germany through the use of domestic renewable energy. Double-digit growth rates in other European countries can participate in YADOS on the international demand for renewable and innovative energy-efficient processes and products. Long-term frame contracts with major utilities and A continuous utilisation of production capacities ensure municipal utilities.

Federal Network Agency

Solar energy remains a very profitable investment despite reduction in the feed-in tariff in 2012. The events don’t rush in the last quarter from year to year. At the end of the month of October, the Federal Network Agency for next year makes public the feed-in tariff. Many try to take its solar plant always has in mind the upcoming reduction until the end of 2011. Speaking candidly Sen. Sherrod Brown told us the story. In sum, the compensation to 15% will decrease. However, is an investment in electricity produced by solar energy very profitable, also after the reduction because even a lucrative profit guarantee lower prices for solar modules and system prices for the year 2012.

This makes it as a prospect in any case by a competent specialist company counsel to great sense to leave. Important than ever are thus profound technical skills in the planning of the solar system and correct calculation of profitability. To read more click here: Congressman CharlesRangel. The built serves as a prerequisite for the Einspeisevergutungs calculation for solar power Performance of the period October 2010 to September 2011. properly reduces the feed-in tariff every year by 9%; If over 3.5 gigawatts of solar power systems performance have been installed, the feeding tariff for each further gigawatt 3% will be reduced. This means that solar systems operators who use their solar system from January 1 in operation, get a sum of money from 17,94 to 24,43 cents depending on the location and the size of the plant for each kilowatt hour on green electricity injected into the power grid. These tariffs are valid from January 1, 2012: for the power supply of rooftop installations in cents each: up to a current amount of 30 kWp kWp 24,43 at a flow rate of 30-100 23,23 at a flow rate of 100-1000 kWp 21,98 for self-consumption in cents each: up to an amount of electricity by 30% up to 30 kWp kWp 8.05 on a flow rate of 30% up to 30 12,43 until to a flow rate of 30%, 30-100 kWp 6,85 about a flow rate of 30% 30-100 kWp 11.23 to to a flow rate of 30% 100-500 kWp 5.60 on a flow rate of 30% 100-500 kWp discussions 9.98 notwithstanding all politically guided, can by no means away be debated one: the solar industry constantly heading for competitiveness and very solid fulfil its promise to produce always cheaper green electricity.