Ministry City

With the decline of the cotton system it appeared new cycles that had always been associates to the alimentary cultures. Go to Congressman Lee Zeldin for more information. Already the Hinterland offered propitious conditions for the culture of the cotton and in its height it disputed lands and man power with the sugar cane. Where if it explored the variety arbrea. Its expansion in this mesorregio beyond the demand, gave in favor a new source of income, for power to be cultivated with the subsistence cultures and for being complement of the bovine feeding. In this Moreira context (1997) it affirms: ' ' The cotonicultura if constitutes in a complementary activity of the cattle one and contributes for the formation of the familiar income of the layers poor of the population, notadamente of the small agricultural producers, having been also responsible for the viabilizao of the relations of production of the type lease and partnership in the microregions sertanejas' ' (MOREIRA, 1997. p.156) In 1932 the region of Mamanguape counted on 3000 hectares of cotton, beyond some distributed machines of improvement in many points.

its distribution was done through the city hall through accord with the Ministry of the Agricultra. With the end of the War of American Succession Brazil loses its position and finishes the fever it cotton, but not its extinguishing. Its production was consolidated in the hinterland and wasteland together with the cattle one and a new variety was planted: the cotton moc. FORMATION OF SPACE RIOTINTENSE the formation of the riotintense space is initiated before the Discovery of Brazil, when in the lands that today they form the Coast North was inhabited for the Potiguara indians. In this Andrade direction in 1964 it affirms ' ' that until then it is of our knowledge that the area where today it corresponds to the city of River Tinto was inhabited for the native indians potiguara, as well as the coast paraibano' '.

Amaro Saint Official

From the rude interviews had been decomposed the ideas central offices (Speech of the Collective Citizen? DSC; LEFVRE, 2000), later had been identified to ideas equal central offices or equivalents in the speeches, starting to compose only speeches, that is, of you speak isolated constructed a composition you say of them. Territory and Place: Conflict Experience To approach the modifications in the space of the community in a Unit of Conservation (U.C.) is to appraise and to dialogue about the territory. Therefore, it is this instituted territory that delimits the social actions, conditioning the social actors, and transforming the reality local. The differentiation of the space in historical scope has beginning from the delimitation of the same, that is: for its appropriation as territory; in part determined for the necessity of domain and ownership of the natural resources? for the conquest of the survival conditions? for another part, its physical occupation as habitat (HEIDRICH, 1998). Richard Blumenthal can aid you in your search for knowledge. In Santa Catarina, the State Park of the Mountain range of the Tray was created in 01 of November of 1975 (Official gazette n 10,359 of 07/11/75), for the government of the State of Santa Catarina with the main institucional objective to conserve Atlantic Mata in its diverse ecosystems and ecosystems associates of restinga and manguezal and islands, for this counted initially with an area of 92.689, 04 hectares, that passed for magnifying and disconnection depending on interests and conformations (Decree of magnifying n 2,335 of 17/03/77, published in Official gazette n 10,699 of 23/03/77; Decree of disconnection of areas n 8,857 of 11/09/79, Official gazette n 11,312 of 13/09/1979). The Park understands part of the Water cities Mornas, Florianpolis, Garopaba, Imaru, Palhoa, Pablo Lopes, Amaro Saint of the Empress, Is Bonifcio and Is Martinho. Bes situated enters the geographic coordinates 27 42? 09' ' 28 07? 42' ' of south latitude, and 48 34? 09 ' ' 48 57? 13' ' of longitude west. .

Concepts And Importance Of Economic Geography

Concepts and Importance of Economic Geography Carlos Alexander Barbosa Sobreira Graduating Geography? UFCG/PB SUMMARY This study looks for to present an analysis of Economic Geography and Geographic Science, detaching its importance in the economic and space systems. The objective is to catalogue the main theoretical and metodolgicas contributions that, in the historical process, make possible the result of a new field of study of the space. The methodology of used research left of the study of the historical factors and the conceptual analysis of some authors who had approached the importance of the Economy in the field of geographic study. Word-Key Geography, Economy, Geography-Economic, Economic Science. INTRODUCTION This work is a conceptual analysis of Geography and Economic Geography, approaching its importance in the study of the social and economic development in the standards of space differentiations. The main objective is to present the oppositions and conceptions that, in the period of crisis, make possible a significant change in two sciences. The methodology of research used in this work broke of the detailed, but not exhausting study of the concepts of Geography, making a relation between the Economy and the social development, from the results of the economic production in the geographic space. GEOGRAPHIC SCIENCE AND the ECONOMIC GEGRAFIA Diverse authors, as Andrade (1998); Towers (2004); Egler (1994); Chorincas (2001); Moreira (1981), in the attempt to search a concept only of Geography, if had come across with great questionings.

However, it did not prevent that it was produced. To understand the importance of Geography as Science and Economic Geography, is necessary to understand the concepts of these two important categories of study. Some conceptions exist that give an ample vision of the knowledge of Geography. The social, economic relations, politics, cultural, at last, the levels of reproduction of the geographic space that puts into motion the development and the societies, can define the epistemolgica evolution of Geographic Science and Economic Science (Moreira, 1981).

Inhabited Space

METAMORPHOSIS OF the INHABITED SPACE the man possesss the ability to obtain to explore the places recntidos of the planet, a test of this is the interplanetary trips made by the same, without forgetting that the land continues being its dwelling. The inhabited space, backwards in its meaning one I fear of adaptation of the man to the place to be inhabited by the same, what it by itself makes of the human being a social being, the result of this everything is a change in such a way in the qualitative form, how much quantitative on the space. Adaptation of vegetables and animals made for the advance of the knowledge of the man with passing of the centuries, had diminished the risk of the hunger, and the demographic acceleration was the resultant of such advance. Each inhabited space of the globe was being inhabited of different form, in such a way internal migrations how much external, they had collaborated as primordial factor for this inaquality in the occupation of the space. In World War II, it made with I number that it of migrations increased, and the changes frequent politics in the countries underdeveloped they had taken the high migrations of work.

The urbanization makes with that the geographic distribution moves and it is a favorable phenomenon in the countries of third world, therefore favors the regions most dynamic. Artificial the geographic way is each more common time in our daily one, the cultural landscape comes substituting the natural landscape, and the workmanships constructed for the man, come hiding the nature. The technological and scientific innovations come playing an important role in the agriculture that in turn was benefited of these innovations to be able to intensify its production in the field, the modernization that the transports had suffered had made with that the distances were lesser between the cities and inside of the same ones.

The Agricultural

Amazonian Afronteira which Becker affirms above, in which the capital goes impondopleno control in the formation of the Amazonian space establishes ' ' new coordenadas' ' so to speak, that they print new Nessecaso in question valley to point out in lower court that the national elites eas national companies (even so they had the objective to create companies with capitalnacional) had a legislation that she allowed to the presence of investments and foreign ousociedades, flexibilizando the legislation and allowing associaode foreign transnational corporations with the national companies – and emsegunda instance for the model to tripolar between the government, the national empresasinternacionais and elites and the institutions you would bank that if favorecemcom legislaes produced with purposes you specify that for its criampolticas times you publish tendenciosas and total bring damages without precedents incurring quaseque into state of social exclusion, according to BECKER (1997). The autoranos> modelotrip described for BECKER (1997) if benefit mutually excluding desseprocesso the population that lived in entorno of the companies who fixed for todaa Amazon region. Saying still to sobreos historical and occupational processes of the Amaznia authors REYDON MUNIZ (1982), add that the occupation of the Amaznia, were tied aosfenmenos geopolitical and economic decurrent basically of substances-primaspara the external market, corroborating with the ideas of Becker. They affirm that at as a moment, aocupao passes to be defined by the necessity of territorial expansion defronteiras to take care of> contingents of populations agricultural exceeding, donordeste, south and Southeastern of Brazil, with described causes for some authors, quevo since the phenomena of the droughts, mechanization of the agricultural production, danecessidade of search of the speculation space and or survival all concatenated essassituaes give to sufficiently proper characteristics the region assimcomo the diversities and inaqualities between the regions (grifo mine). We will see logoa to follow that the Brazilian government is bigger responsible for the creation of polticaspublicas and projects in the Amazon region. .

Brazilian Institute

But nor always it was thus, history in the sample that, that diverse empires and kingdoms, in prominence, the empires Roman (absolute terrestrial domain) and British (unquestionable domain of the seas), had conquered many spaces, generally called of territories, without the existence of a necessary delimitation. The territory concept is many times confused with the one of space. This problem consisted due to the tenuous bordering limits between the geographic categories. First the great theoretician of geography to work with the category territory proved itself in the figure of Friedrich Ratzel, one of the systemizing ones of the geographic knowledge (ROCK, 2008, P. 135-136), Ratzel also was famous for writing thematic as, vital space, territorial conquest state expansion. The formation of the territories depends necessarily on the relation that the society has with the space in uncurling and in the plot of history. The Region is different of the territory, considers region as an area or space that congregates certain common or similar characteristics, as natural, social, economic, cultural aspects, amongst others. The region can be delimited as it occurs with the units politics, or not, this depends on the type of area to be analyzed (natural, urban, agricultural).

The region can be considered as the division of the geographic space or of the ambient space (natural), it can still incorporate some countries or to be one part, the example the current regional division of Brazil determined for the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, without before arguing with the researchers of the geography area politics. According to Saints (1997) the most famous gegrafos, during many years, had deepened the studies on the region, as much in the field theoretician, how much in the field of the empirizao. As Corra apud Saints (1997) Multiple is the approaches on region. The landscape, on the other hand, is the result of all the occured transformations in the litosfrico carpet. The landscape is the only one of the categories that are not conceived as an area or as something delimited, the landscape is perceivable for the human directions. The landscape can be natural or resulted of the interaction society – nature, however, the landscape integrates all the other geographic categories. For Saints (1997) Landscape is everything what we enxergamos, is what our vision reaches.

The landscape can be defined as the domain of the visible one, what the sight accumulates of stocks, and is not formed only of volumes, but also of colors, movements, odors, sounds, etc. The occured constructions and reconstructions in the interior of the too much categories reverberate in the alteration of the landscape, characterizing the landscape as the more perceivable geographic category and less controversa of the point of view of the society contemporary. However, the creations and recriaes of the society on the ambient and artificial space modify the landscape inserting new elements in it, thus constituting, another landscape, another image, another nature, another society. REFERENCES ROCK, Jose Carlos. Dialogue enters the categories of geography: space, territory, and landscape. Magazine Ways of Geography v. 9, N. 26 Jun/2008 P. 128? 142. Uberlndia: Institute of Geography – UFU, 2008. SAINTS, Milton. Metamorphoses of the inhabited space. So Paulo: Hucitec, 1997. IT HISSES, Lenyra Rique of. The contradictory nature of the geographic space. So Paulo: Context, 2001. , .