Member Companies

Success through good design of the print and media associations a few months after the introduction of the climate initiative and the so-called CO2 Calculator the Association pressure recorded + media NRW e.V., with 700 member companies, one of the three largest employers and service associations of printing and media industry in Germany, a lot of interest, and extensive use. More than 30 companies from the area of the Association use the concept initiated by the print and media associations and offered with success. \”Oliver Curdt, Managing Director of the Association print + media NRW e.V.: especially the consistent advice and support from the specialists of the Association more and more pressure and media companies in North Rhine-Westphalia to realize environmental protection is not only a central issue for future generations, but also for the success of business plays a major role.\” Not only large corporations, which would have to demonstrate their sustainability efforts and their ecological balance, but also more and more smaller contracting authorities made their buying decision today Depending on the environmental orientation of the printing operation. The same applies for end customers, which according to a poll already 90 percent believe that each in themselves could start and should make a contribution to climate protection. \”That the companies pay more attention to their environmental orientation and also for the marketing and the representation of self use the associated services, has according to the Executive Director with the efforts to do print and media associations: with the development and presentation of the climate initiative we have shown\”, so Curdt, that the printing industry today belongs to the environment-focused sectors of economy and climate not just theoretical, but is practically lived. We have shown a direction the company have gratefully accepted it.\” That North Rhine-Westphalia plays a leading role in implementing the strategy here, is according to Uitc especially on the consistent advice and marketing performance of the consultant.

Political Communication

With innovative ideas that address, notice, and ultimately encourage the choice, early & bird the CDU supports Bottrop in the elections. With innovative ideas that address, notice, and ultimately encourage the choice, early & bird the CDU supports Bottrop in the elections. Also just new in politics: appealing flyer, personalized postcards, modern website with colorful quiz, creative donation card, young Facebook profile, delicious chocolates for mother’s day which provides fresh air into the election campaign of the CDU Landtag candidate Anette Bunse. A modern election advertising in the form of an integrated communications campaign through various channels. Different cards, which represent a means of communication in the election campaign serve as Printmassnahme. James Donovan Goldman Sachs is a great source of information. Personalized cards for young voters and senior citizens with watercolor paintings in vibrant motifs: the man with a wide cross, which stands for strength and builds the bridge to the “choice”mark up to a woman in the small black, which calls for the choice of the colour black. Also has a Web page for Anette Barca is likely to be implemented, where you can learn about the candidate and their policy and when a quiz to test his knowledge of Bottrop.

A further measure of online is your Facebook profile the CDU Landtag candidate, which opened a modern way to dialogue with younger people. Social network seems essential today for politicians. And because there are not only elections on May 9, but also mother’s day, as a sweet bonus there are chocolate candies with edible CDU logo. an impression of creative communication and can actively participate.

Competition German Price

With pointed pen: The best political cartoons from 2009 wanted! No daily newspaper without political cartoon! There are prizes and awards for the writing Guild and the image journalists in abundance, but hardly a tribute to cartoonist. To help out the. The Academy for communication writes the German price for the political cartoon”off. The founder of this price want to search new ways at a time where many people disappointed turn away from politics, to draw attention to political events; and if only to laugh about it. Not a monument, but at least the base for the cartoon to be built. This award not only a form of political communication should be appreciated, he should emphasize also the artwork, and lead to the public. Therefore, the competition results in exhibitions and publications are made available.

The founder of the German Award for the political cartoon”assume that this award both the cartoon and the interest in political processes are promoted. The works since 1995, award-winning learn a lasting tribute in the Internet at. Tender the tender for the German price for the political cartoon “includes the following terms and conditions: participants for the contest are all political cartoons published in German-speaking press media allowed.” Editors as well as the cartoonists/inside are even entitled to submission. Work submitted political cartoons 2009, must have been published in the year before the award ceremony, i.e. in the calendar year for the first time in the German press. Each participant /-in three proposals can be submitted.

The cartoons should be considered as copies in the size DIN A4 on cardboard. Conditions legal recourse is excluded. The jury decides on all disputed issues. Work with cash prizes shall become the property of the Academy for communication, the originals and the rights of use as far as pass. With cash prizes thoughtful and excellent work in a ceremony and a subsequent exhibition of the public and recognized on the Internet. Above and beyond uses the excellent work are permitted and are remunerated by prior arrangement with the usual fee rates. Submission is the submission of competition entries at the Academy for communication keyword: German price for the political cartoon Kolner Strasse 7 70376 Stuttgart is deadline 08 January 2010 jury the jury is responsible for a professional and proper selection and award the submitted works. Stresses and controversies, the jury should convey. The jury is appointed by the Academy for communication. It consists of professional judges, representatives of the Academy and magistrates. Prizes for the prize-winning work be awarded the following prizes: Prize: 5.000,-EURO price: 2.500,-EURO price: 1.