The Educational

(Freire, 1967) "The trend in educational policy at the request of the teachers is" not dogmatically impose a scale of values, a moral given, but does not necessarily mean decreasing skeptical of any scale of values as if the same be just that unfair. It has to be based on a critical rationality, able to teach sound principles of valuation to conform to independents in value judgments, dialoguing subjects against the value judgments of others. " (Cullen, 19 997) "The choices between alternatives, judgments, acts, their axiological character target, but the men never choose values, and never choose the good or happiness. Always choose specific ideas, specific purposes, concrete alternatives. To know more about this subject visit Connecticut Senator. His specific acts of choice are of course related to their overall value attitude and its judgments are linked to his image of the world.

" (Keller, 1989) In our traditional concepts has been considered that the values are implicit in the educational task, it was understood that teachers in transmitting the contents of different subjects to participate. The deep crisis affecting western countries and already widespread in the world has led to interest in the formation of man and intentionally must be prepared according to the educational objectives of this task. A strong methodological scientific work in the curriculum was to reach a finished design professional Cuban revolutionary who became the model of the practitioner and each race has crafted the strategy that allowed their comprehensive training. In this path of integration is necessary to the scientific and cultural development in its closer relationship with axiology.