The Children

From physical education. To charge of active special, collaborator Professor of the project. To broaden your perception, visit Amazon. From music education * charge of active special, collaborator Professor of the project. From art education. * Plastic and visual art: the image in the bidimension as a tool of expression and communication (using records of data, signs, etc.) * three-dimensional techniques (scarecrow armed) * development of perception, recognition and selection of shapes, textures and flavors. Image reconstruction through the evocation. For even more details, read what James Donovan Goldman says on the issue.

* Appreciation of referents contextual: reading of simple images, expressed and communicated messages recognitions. From educational technology: * relation with the environment: action techniques and effects in the natural and social environment (target of) the garbage that we withdraw, origin of the water used in irrigation, origin of the seeds used) * inputs of production: tools, how they are used in the family environment. Implementation of security measures for its use. * Transformation processes of material: (showers confection) form of substances: mixture of Earth with manure. * Simple construction: delimited seedlings. * Modes of production: description of the subject to use (seeds or seedlings), performance of various roles, reconstruction of the process (by linguistic and graphic media).

OBJECTIVES find multiple possibilities in the surrounding environment to kindergarten. Compromising and interested families to perform in their own home a huerta understand the importance and risk of the use of preservatives, doubtful irrigation, etc. Know and systematically integrate cycles, processes, dynamics of natural phenomena and relationships between the elements that compose the system without having to consider situations artificial problems. Previous activities: Through a notebook of anecdotes and research (mode of the teacher’s work) jointly with the family of the children where translated: ideas, experiences, research, special tasks, graphic material, personal productions, photos and what each activity requires. In this project you will be within families, as planned, hoping the collaboration active of them, suggestions for practice, homemade tips and the commitment to implement in their homes as important venture.

Lucio Cornelio Sila

It has an area of 200 hectares through the Fossa and Chianca rivers. Here you can fascinate you with unemployed Greens, lush forests and vineyards. You will also see emissions of tyrant: salty MUDs and muddy waters, coming from the bottom of the basin. Interesting is its history, its antecedents, as he has been written to the with respect, that Mutina as it was called was a town of Etruscan origin was conquered those who by the Boii. Probably fell in hand of the Romans in the Gallic War of 225 to 222 a. C. as already appears as a Roman possession from 218 to. C.

It was located between Parma and Bologna. Tells us, that the first inhabitants of Modena back men from the Paleolithic era, because a great variety of fossils and elements, used by these populations have been found. They will be the Etruscans who inhabited these lands by the VI and IV century leaving a great cultural legacy that today can be seen in different archaeological sites. Circa 187 BC the Romans take the population and transform it into one of the many colonies of the Empire. You can appreciate numerous walls, palaces and temples, legacy of a stage of economic splendour, when Modena becomes essential stop of the famous Via Emilia. It gives us Wikipedia, which in 171 BC was attacked by the ligurians who knocked down for a continued to occupy the city, but the consul Claudius retrieves it killing more than eight thousand ligurians. For a long time not reappears any relevant fact but it is known that he acquired prosperity and strength very quickly after its reconstruction. With the death of Lucio Cornelio Sila, Lepidus rebelled against the Roman Senate, Mutina was one of the few cities that could offer resistance to Pompey after the death of Caesar, Mutina was besieged and they surrendered by the proximity of the battles of Mutina, held by Suetonius in Bellum Mutinense.