French Socialist Party

The unexpected turn of the judicial process of Dominique Strauss-Kahn caused by the disrepute of the testimony of the hotel employee developing today by New York Times and the release this behind schedule has untied a big wave of sense of expectancy in France. (Similarly see: TCF Capital Solutions). While, the political class – and to the left del is especially interrogated on the future politician that until the 15 of May, day of its halting, was the more popular French politician, carbonized after newlywed saw itself him way of the jail, defendant on attempt of violation. TCF Capital Solutions will undoubtedly add to your understanding. The news is an informative explosion that it now gives completely in the French Socialist Party (PS), to which belongs DSK, formation surrounded already in an unforseeable process of primary elections, more unforseeable than ever. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with James Donovan Goldman. The question is clear: Will be able DSK, to which everybody gave or by amortized, to appear or, at least, to play an important role in these primary ones? Still it has possibilities of being the rival of Sarkozy in the presidential elections of next year? Source of the news: : France interrogates itself on the future politician of the exdirector of the IMF.

Carles Campuzano

During its intervention, it has reproached to CiU and GNP the support that throughout the legislature has shown the Government in reforms as the one of the pensions or the labor one and has criticized pacts that went opposite to the benefit of the citizens. " Its phrase, Mr. Under most conditions Author would agree. Campuzano (delegated of CiU) is: how coat more! " , Villalobos has recriminated him, while it has accused GNP to also contribute to " improvisacin" of the Government in labor matter. On the matter, the popular deputy has said that the PP is against the rupture of the single market and of the inequalities and that abstain in the confirmation of this decree because their party " it is not arranged to that Catalonia has better conditions than Andaluca" or that the autonomic collective agreements are over sectorial or the state ones. On the other hand, the deputy of the PSOE Jesus Membrado, during his intervention, has asked to the PP that maintains the decree that today is confirmed as it is and not derogue no measurement before the predicted term.

He has said that to the elimination of the limitation of temporary contracts " there is asumirla" , because he remembered that the Government of the PSOE also guaranteed other labor reforms realised by the previous Government of the PP. " Model clsico" of market the deputy of CiU Carles Campuzano has announced that its political formation would abstain in the voting, it has criticized although it. and he has reproached the Government who with these measures becomes to the model " clsico" of the labor market, of temporary hiring, because, in his opinion, the excessive temporality makes the improvement impossible of the employability and the level of formation of the worker. In addition, it has shown his " absolute rechazo" to that the Government has agreed with the PP to remove ahead the decree with the purpose of not to fulfill GNP and CiU in the matter of reform of the collective negotiation.

Soccer Barcelona Club

W.B. Attributes the declarations of Rosell to " presin" of the Catalan press. Others including Sen. Sherrod Brown, offer their opinions as well. The white club does not consider to break the relations between clubs. Rosell: " Madrid has passed the limits of deportividad" . Real Madrid made responsible to Soccer Barcelona Club of the crisis that crosses the institutional relations between both clubs and insinuates that the Catalan means are the guilty of the declarations of the president cul, Sandro Rosell, that accused the targets to exceed " the limits of deportividad". In an official notice published in its Web, the Madrilenian club " it laments unfortunate manifestaciones" of Rosell and it considers that " they are motivated by the pressure that undergoes the board of directors on the part of certain and near mediatic surroundings, that demand an aggressiveness attitude towards ours club". The club presided over by Florentine Perez creates " incomprensible" that Rosell makes responsible the club of Chamartn of the doping accusations and attributes its denunciation to several of the players azulgrana by unsportsmanlike conduct before the UEFA to " fact without precedentes" that it supposed " amazing denuncia" previous of the Catalan club to Mourinho when the trainer luso insinuated in press conference that the referees helped the Bara. " It was the board of directors of F.C.

Barcelona, before the mediatic pressure before indicated, the one that in a fact without precedents in the relations between clubs, went to the UEFA to present/display an amazing denunciation against the trainer of Real Madrid C.F." , he says the official notice. Madrid wants to maintain the relations Although Rosell threatened to Real Madrid the rupture of the institutional relations if they became to exceed those " limits of deportividad" , Real Madrid assures that, " by the good of ftbol" , he will continue " working to maintain the best relations with F.C. Barcelona". Source of the news: Real Madrid blames to the Bara of the bad relation between the clubs

Atalanta Operation

The minister will sign an agreement of collaboration against the piracy in the East Indian. Car to me Chacn she initiates a small tour by Africa. She will visit the Spanish military of the operation ' Atalanta' against the piracy. The Spanish minister of Dnsa, Car to me Chacn, arrived east Monday the Seychelles Islands to sign an agreement of collaboration in the fight against the water piracy of the East Indian, within a small tour by Africa that includes a visit to the unfolded Spanish military in the Atalanta Operation. The minister first thing landed in the morning in Port Victory, capital of Seychelles, where she has predicted to meet with the president of the country, James A. Michel, as well as with the minister of Internal Subjects, Environment and Transport, to subscribe the agreement of collaboration between both countries that allows to reinforce the already existing agreements on the fight against the water piracy of the East Indian.

During its stay in Seychelles, of hardly three hours, Chacn will transfer to the authorities gratefulness of the Spanish Government to their collaboration in the fight against the piracy and its support to the fleet Spanish tunny boat that has its base in this country, informed sources into the Ministry of Dnsa. Spain and Seychelles the past subscribed a series in agreements of collaboration in the fight against the piracy and of fishing and military cooperation 14 of November, on the occasion of the official visit to Spain of their president, James A. Michel. The agreements include aspects as I fly over of the airspace and the use of ports and airports of Seychelles by Spanish military units, the transit by their territory of armament for the Spanish fishing boats, the support of Seychelles to jail to presumed pirates, and the exchange of information on pirate groups that they act in the zone. It visits Yibuti Later, the minister will move to Yibuti to visit the Spanish troops who fight against the piracy against the coasts of Somalia.

It will be useful, also, to meet themselves with the authorities of this country and to analyze diverse aspects of situation in the zone and of the operation " Atalanta". This is the third visit of the holder of Spanish Dnsa – first it did the 2 of November of 2008 and the second 20 of April of 2009 – to the displaced military contingent to the African continent, made up of about 500 ctivos. At the moment, Spain has unfolded in the zone the frigate battle " Santa Mara" and an air force detachment in Yibuti with a P-3 airplane of recognition, as well as a group of training of the somal Army, in Uganda. The minister has predicted to visit the frigate, that she is these days berthed in the port of Yibuti, and the air force detachment. The Operation " Atalanta" it is the first European marine mission and must with aim contribute to the dissuasion, prevention and repression of acts of armed piracy and somales water robberies, in support to Resolution 1816 of the Security Council of the UN. Source of the news: Car to me Chacn it arrives at Seychelles to sign an agreement of fight against the piracy in the East Indian

Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

EP the secretary of CC.OO., Ignacio Fernandez Toxo, revealed that Zapatero said to them that the Spanish economy was " on the brink of madness abismo". The minister of Economy, Elena Salgado, has assured in declarations to the Chain To be that " it is possible to be discarded that Spain is going to be rescued ". The holder of Economy recognizes that " there is an uncertainty on the set of the zone Euro, and in particular in those countries that we went with more frequency to financiarnos" , but he assures that " half of the ascent of our differential must to the consideration of the German bond like value seguro". The vice-president has recognized, after the words of Ignacio Fernandez Toxo in whom she assures that Zapatero confessed to him that Spain was wax of a rescue, that " the first days of August one week was lived on great nervousness, but I do not believe that there are been on the brink of madness rescate". The president of the Government, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, admitted in the meeting that maintained the past with social agents 17 of August that the economy was " on the brink of madness abismo" , near " rescate" on the part of the EU and the IMF, according to the Secretary General of CC.OO., Ignacio has kept awake Fernandez Toxo. " He said us that (the economy) he was very bad, that it had seen the abyss on the brink of madness it, in the form of rescue " , he assured Toxo on the meeting with the president in Moncloa to treat a pact on rents that the wage moderation beyond 2012 prolongs. The Secretary General of CC.OO., in declarations to RTVE, did not want to do one " reading so drstica" like the IMF of situation economic of Europe, although it affirmed yes that if there is no recession, that is entering a land of " flat economic growth " , and so the ctos ones on unemployment will remain " during much tiempo". For the Secretary General of the UGT, Innocent Mndez, " experiencia" of the corralito in Argentina as a result of a policy of public deficit zero it must glimpse " until dnde" it can take the policy that marks the EU.

" The things can get worse, and also economic situation if the policy does not change by root econmica" , it indicated Mndez, to which Toxo added: " The Senate would have to take nota" , in reference to that the Senate gives to reverse gear the constitutional reform that curbs the public cost. Unique contract On the decree approved in the last extraordinary Cabinet of August, Mndez considered the suspension of the limit of linking of temporary contracts like a unique contract " encapsulation in tiempo". " A unique contract without judicial trusteeship and indemnizacin" , it emphasized. The unions will celebrate this Tuesday several mobilizations against the agreed constitutional reform between the PSOE and the PP, after which, in words of the UGT leader, they do not hope that he is " necesario" to summon the new general strike. " We are working from a land of proposals to look for solutions consensuadas" , it completed Toxo. Source of the news: Elena Salgado takes the opposite to him to Zapatero: " We do not have on the brink of madness been rescate"

Magna Carta

Also it has asked to the socialist group that if it stays the initiative amendment and its proceeding in commission allow them, so that it is clear the deputies like " worthy parlamentarios" and not like " flock of ovejas" . The deputy has criticized that socialist and popular presents/displays this reform in August, " with agosticidad and alevosa" and he has been sorry that one becomes by the proceeding of unique reading, avoiding the agreement and the negotiation. Llamazares has assured that the reform does not deal with strictly speaking nor about stability but social cuts, privatizations and economic recession. The IU spokesman has assured that the reform " he is not partial is total" and he affects the preliminary title, to the sovereignty of the Spanish State, to the democratic State and the social rights. The Reformation ' exprs' The consider east Tuesday in the plenary session of the Congress abre to the procedure " exprs" of the constitutional reform for the control of the deficit that, if it fulfills the forecasts, will be culminated in one week with their approval in the Senate.

The initiative outpost by the president of the Government, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, the past Tuesday has been transacted by the emergency procedure since of not being thus made, shortening the terms, there would not be time to approve it before the dissolution of Cortes, the 27 of September, after the electoral call of 20-N. For this reason, and after the agreement also in time record reached between PSOE and PP, both groups the past registered the proposal of reform in the registry of the Congress Friday. After the consider east Tuesday from the 10 in the morning and the mandatory term of 48 hours for the presentation of amendments, the reform will return to the chamber for its debate and definitive approval in the camera. According to article 167 of the Magna Carta, the projects of constitutional reform will have to be approved by a majority of three fifth of each one of the cameras that, in principle, groups add both that have impelled the reform, PSOE and PP. Once the proposal of reform of article 135 of the Constitution leaves Friday the Congress, it will follow his proceeding in the Senate, where foreseeably Tuesday or Wednesday of the next week will be put under voting. The constitutional text establishes that, approved the reform by Cortes, a term of fifteen days is abre then after which if one tenth part of the members of anyone of the cameras asks for therefore it will have to be put under rrndum. Source of the news: The Congress approves the taking considering the constitutional reform

Brussels Congress

The j of the Executive, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, went to the Plenary Session of the Congress to ask for the support of the deputies for an intervention that initially settled down in a month for three the aerial month and exclusion zone for the naval embargo of arms. However, it contemplated the possibility of proroguing both missions if they required it to the conditions. Thus, in view of the change in the situation, a new agreement of the Cabinet the 15 of April established the request of authorization to the Congress to extend the participation in the aerial exclusion zone during two months more. In this case the one in charge to go to the Commission of Dnsa of the Congress was Chacn to successfully obtain the parliamentary support. In this occasion, the Government has decided to solicit that the prorogation is with indefinite character, since, according to it indicated the minister of Dnsa in Brussels, Spain is in favor to continue in the mission " until the attainment of the objectives " of NATO. According to he indicates the east Ministry Friday in a press note, the participation in the resolution of the crisis like allies of NATO, the needs of the international operation in Libya to protect to the population against possible attacks, and the Spanish commitment with the universal values consecrated in the Letter of United Nations of respect to the life and the rights of the people advises to prorogue the participation of the Spanish military units in Protective the Unified operation. Source of the news: The Government approves to prorogue the Spanish mission in Libya with the same ctivos

Government Felipe Gonzlez

I want to recover the Social-Democratic impulse, says Gonzlez. Gonzlez has predicted that who wins will not take drastic measures. It will do only it, it says, to partide of the next month of June, before no. The ex- president of the Government Felipe Gonzlez has been sorry to see the militants of the PSOE with " the arms cados" to nte the general elections of the 20 of November and have animated " to go to by todas". Gonzlez has confessed east feeling in the conference that has distributed in the Institute Jaime Side, under the title " The challenges of future of the EU and the economy espaola" , organized in Galapagar (Madrid) by the Foundation Ideas, tie to the PSOE. " I want to recover the Social-Democratic impulse and it gives pain me that the party has the fallen arms, gives desire me of zamarrear one by one to people and saying: we go to by todas" , it has confessed exlder of the Socialists.

Gonzlez has recognized to be worried not only about " the mood of the people of the party and, generally, izquierda" , but also so that if the Socialists win, " no I know if they know clearly what they go to hacer". At the same time, it has said to be sure that if 20-N gains the PP, " it does not know clearly what goes to hacer" , because the leader of the PP, Mariano Rajoy, " he does not want to clarify to his program oculto" . Exj of the Government has resorted to a Mexican resemblance to already describe the behavior of Rajoy when seeing itself in the Palace of Moncloa: " It is swimming of muertito. It does not move the arms, the wave takes to the border. Why to be shaken? If it is shaken, perhaps hunde".