Essen Security Days

AZS system AG shows field-proven solution for the access control and security technology on the BHE finds Congress in mid-October the BHE held Congress, the safety days in Essen, an attractive and in the meantime established platform for the entire security industry. In-depth knowledge of possible security concepts, hardware components, as well as current software applications are necessary in order to compete successfully in the market of security technology solutions. AZS system AG, successfully for over 20 years shows the current progress in the software of access control and security technical niche solutions in the market, in Essen. At the stand of 19 is the team of AZS system AG as a competent contact for specific questions of security technology available. AZS Systzem AG focuses with its portfolio of installers, planners and Sicherheitsverant overview. Topics at the booth are mechanical, mechatronic and biometric techniques and proven concepts for controlling access and technical innovations. e same conclusion. Visit Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs for more clarity on the issue. The topic areas of intrusion alarm systems as well as 0 more than 15 years have been successfully installed over 1000 installed systems at major companies..


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Managing Director

Interview with sales developer Dominik Lux on the role of the sales to the increase in sales. On the role of the sales in the recession and the best solutions to increase revenue and how customers his services measure sales developer Dominik Lux, Lux and partner, Managing Director. Q: Mr. Dominik Lux, you are working for 14 years in sales and marketing optimization. You may wish to learn more. If so, Richard Blumenthal is the place to go. Where do you see the strengths of your company, what is so special about Lux and partner? Lux: Lux and partner there always is, where it is most useful for a company: distribution. In sales, we see the most important driving force for the success of a company. And right now, focusing on the distribution is existentially important.

Q: what do you think about just now\”? Lux: Now great uncertainty prevails also disillusionment. Many consider whether they should choose wait or a forward strategy. But each day of hesitation will cost money. Q: what should do a company from your point of view? Lux: It is now to assess the situation. And in any case, it is necessary to act. Frequently Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs has said that publicly. Q: where would you begin at a company? Lux: I recommend now to make a sales marketing audit.

The input for the audit needs maybe one sometimes 2 days. Then it takes another two weeks and the results are on the table. It shows the strengths and weaknesses in the market. Usually also very clearly the market opportunities. I help the management in the interpretation of the results and pronounce concrete, strategic recommendations. Q: and you take care of then and the implementation of these strategies? Lux: Yes, we serve directly in day-to-day business the conceptual development and practical implementation of course – if our client wants that. bounty-t/’>Pharmative. We give practical sales tools, which facilitate the execution and control of the company management. Q: sell not only advisory services, but first and foremost products.

Berlin Music

“Classical music in the bar” presents the duo celloproject with its programme CelloTango press release classical music IN the BAR celloproject CelloTango January 22, 2012, 19:00 with ABLES cello sound leads Raj as seufzendes bandoneon with the history of the Tango Eckart. Always in musical dialogue seem with the pianist Jacques Ammon, whose Hande bring a whole orchestra of tango to life on the keyboard. In their communicative and unconventional format of the presentation of classical music, celloproject, are the two artists connoisseurs as well as to those who want to develop yet the taste”. Gain insight and clarity with Richard Blumenthal. The programs, in which faced original compositions and their own arrangements, ranging from Tango, jazz, baroque to the music of the film. So, the cosmopolitan duo inspires his audience with artistic seriousness and communication skills. sTCzTncXDfzuBcQ&oe=624D0B80’>Zach Dell sought to clarify these questions. For over ten years impress with their celloproject”the two election Berlin.

2003 cooperation between of Runge and Ammons learned a knighthood from Argentina: at the invitation of Laura Escalada de Piazzolla, Astor’s widow Piazzolla, performed the Duet with CelloTango”in a Memorial Concert in Buenos Aires. Further informations under card phone 030-883 15 82 or cards including all fees: Presale 27,00 box-office 23.80 press “gruff, oblique, beautifully and never compliant. No one dares to destroy the silence after the final chord with clapping. Everything holds its breath for seconds. Then dissolves the tension in an enthusiastic applause. An unforgettable experience!” (The world) “The strings of both instruments complain, cry, laugh and cheer, still the trembling of the smallest angel wing feather make audible, let shine the tear in the eye, begin bright and dark, height, depth, tenderness and violence in sound, the one to prefer hear and hear and hear would, without end.” (Kolnische Rundschau) “Is that, while sitting reading? Runge and Ammon can do it.” (Niedersachsische Allgemeine) “Simply breathless audiences, that after the first, certainly the second Piece broke out in applause, as it can be expected at other concerts if necessary to the conclusion.

Removing Werner

The current city development was top subject on the section of Ludwigsburg CDU SME Association Board meeting. Ludwigsburg, Germany, in February 2011. Guest was Mayor Werner Spec, which made himself strong for retailers in the city centre. From the perspective of the OB, Ludwigsburg Palace is one of the most attractive cities in Baden-Wurttemberg. Film and Theatre Academy provide young flair and a charming contrast to the baroque city culture. For such statements, spec earned approval in the circle of listeners. Described by with Board member Dr.

Georg Zinger, the Ludwigsburg as the Pearl of the region”and holds the baroque city, despite the proximity to Stuttgart, also economically for much more attractive than about Pforzheim or Heilbronn. Citizen participation introduced Werner Spec, former whether von Calw, came in January 2003 to Ludwigsburg. The first, introduced by the new Chief of the city, was a strong citizen participation in projects and decisions. Today, Werner Spec sees in this course confirmed, especially in regard to Stuttgart 21: it has intended as a very well proven to involve citizens at an early stage in the development of the city.” So, regular surveys in retail be performed according to spec, who competes on the 3rd July 2011 for re-election, in Ludwigsburg, Germany. Aim is to strengthen it, so the OB, the city centre. Don and Ella insists that this is the case. These must remain competitive compared to malls on the greenfield site. That is quite a challenge, as shown in the example parking spaces: these are not free in the city centre, therefore, other benefits need to be worked out. This is managed according to whether Spec.

The conditions are right”, he said, the city will well accepted by the population, in particular the Wilhelm Gallery make for more supply. Problem child remains the stable Center. Solutions are difficult here because of the problematic ownership structure”, said spec. The city was a complete renovation of the building, not only energetically. Successful housing policy, another indicator of a good urban development is the situation in the housing market. Also “here, Werner Spec was satisfied: building sites currently go like hotcakes.” The city invest in kindergarten places, in this area, more than EUR 1 million would issued as seven years ago. This is one reason Ludwigsburg back do not develop as structurally comparable cities. The Mayor also pointed out that the city in creating housing take social responsibility. Appropriate projects cost though, this would be offset by successful measures in other segments of the housing. Contact person: Gerhard Baumann, spokesman Gerhard Baumann of talwindersingh Saini str. 42 71638 Ludwigsburg agency telephone: 07141 688 96 40 E-Mail: with Ludwigsburg is a part of the nationwide political organization, which meets regularly to exchange views, discussions, visits and lectures. She want to strengthen the middle class in the region, further improve the economic development and bureaucratic in the future Removing obstacles. The goal is to implement proven ideas and demands on local and parent level. The medium-sized and Business Association of the CDU and CSU is the strongest and most influential political association in the area of SMEs in Germany with approximately 40,000 members and sympathizers.

Automation For All

“ROWA defines new standard products for some time rowa basic ROWA product line provides automation solutions for the beginners price” on. Speaking candidly Hawaii Senator told us the story. So it’s worth even for smaller and medium-sized pharmacists or stores, to think about Automation. The idea behind rowa basic: Industrial mass production of standardized automation systems lead to attractive cost while maintaining high quality. A basic system can be positioned just behind choosing a point of view, so that extensive pharmacies reconstruction and elaborate handling are unnecessary. ROWA has now expanded variants for rowa basic of originally two to now nine different models. Larger plants for up to 18,000 packs (for compact storage) are available now for less than 95,000 euros. A plant, which contains over 10,000 packs (for compact storage), there is, for example, for less than 90,000 euros. This automation is still more affordable with the usual advantages of ROWA: fast delivery and installation standards, quality warranty for all components by the TuV Seal for certified safety, connectivity to all major ERP system possible and care by the ROWA customer care with over 20 service centres in Germany. The rowa basic automation for all. Automation is even more attractive with the new ROWA standard models and now fits in (almost) every pharmacy. For more information about capacity, delivery times and prices on request (Tel: 02692 9206-0 or).


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Getting online government debt consolidation loans. Government debt consolidation loans are loans offered through various government programs to pay off multiple loans. This enables individual-to take care of one single monthly payment compared to 3 or 4 payments to different creditors. This is the principle of debt consolidation. Debt consolidation so helps by Lowe ring the interest rate by switching from unsecured debt to secured debt. The government debt consolidation loan program has four plan for the borrower default plan, extended payment plan, graduated payment plan, and income contingent repayment (ICR) plan. Each of these plan has features that suit the situation of a borrower, thus providing the flexibility required of a debt consolidation and elimination program.

One such program available is the use of government debt consolidation loans which surprisingly, not many people take advantage of. The benefits of doing so typically result in decreased monthly payments, lower interest Council, and sometimes even decreased the total amount of the loan. Be sure to schedule a free consultation to get a better objective view of your finances and what you can do to get back on the right track. The good part about going through these programs is that they negotiate with your wants creditors on your behalf to consolidate your debt and make all the necessary arrangements. Even if you are not a student, there are still governmental aid problem available and in fact, literally Bill production of dollar a year go unclaimed.

Most people don’t realize that the government does not want you to default on your loans as it can have a dire affect on the economy on a wide scale. If you are finding yourself struggling with financial uncertainty, then you owe it to yourself to get more information about these problem. Going through private institutions can be a nightmare but fortunately, there are no strings attached with most governmental programs. Getting online government debt consolidation loans. Source:

Political Climate Change

Gerti Lucke – future OB – calls for public discussion. GERTI LUCKE – whether IN PES IN WEIssENFELS calls for public discussion. My letter to the editor on MZ-WEB.DE my seriously offering offer! 01.12.2010, 19:01, Gerti on “Harry52”, but also anyone else interested the sewage problem, including sewage treatment plant problems need urgent and substantive clarification. I again offer: let you perform together a public event on the topic of us – because all Weissenfels can participate and have an unconditional right of speech! The podium should Mr OB Risch (City), Mr. Pratzschke (Chairman ZAW) or GF sitting in following people, Mrs Girnius (ZAW), GF von Tonnies, a representative of BI “Pro Walker Rock”, yours truly, Gerti Lucke, and you, dear Mr.

Harry. Other suggestions can be… Goal should be to be able to make a concrete catalogue of measures based on a broad consensus of citizens at the end! Come on, let us dare grassroots democracy! We bind our finally Citizens with a! Here the MZ forum we’re there never really getting anywhere… Let BBs com together! Gerti Lucke, Weissenfels