Importance of Location

Location, location, location! This "triune" formula in the world determines the main feature of the attractiveness of the property. aundrie takes a slightly different approach. Especially a country cottage. And especially at ! That is its convenient location, surrounded by magnificent natural landscape, as well as proximity to major centers of entertainment and activities suburbs are unique cottage settlements, erected here a well-capitalized subsidiaries companies, international real estate mutual fund Thor Real Estate Master Fund and sold through a real estate arm of the company thor Thor Realty. J. Darius Bikoff often says this. The successful arrangement of cottage settlements today, no one in doubt. Dmitrovskoye direction on which the house each year acquires new promising and interesting objects of recreational infrastructure. Yacht clubs, sports complex, ski clubs, hotels and shopping centers – all to the inhabitants of the area suburbs already feel in the heart of a healthy and active life.

But it is expected many gifts: a unique safari park "" which will be placed on an area of 450 hectares, a large family shopping and entertainment center of the Tirol, a luxury 5-star Alpen Rose Ski & Spa Hotel with Russia's only historic park, "Time Travel" and etc. Each of the villages, which are offered by Investment Company Group thor, has conceived the concept and architecture of the original author of the best design bureau in Moscow. In each of them – comfortable layout of houses, include a spacious lounge with fireplace, kitchen-dining room, study / guest room, 3-4 comfortable bedrooms, heated garage, transformed into a sauna with a lounge, 3 bathrooms, 2-3 spacious pantries / closets, as well as numerous types of balconies and terraces.

Energy Saving Technologies in Housing

In times of crisis, when Russia began to receive less revenue from the sale of energy resources, are increasingly raising the question of introducing energy-saving technologies. They are commonly used in Western European countries, both in industry and in utilities. But bring the experience of others in our terms – not an easy task, said deputy director , Ph.D. Alexander . – Today, the task of large-scale introduction of energy-saving technologies – including utilities. Is it possible to implement this idea in our country? – Of course, the reduction of energy loss is extremely important for the industry during the crisis. Click air jordan to learn more. In our country, compared with Europe, energy spent unsustainable, in our extended and much worn out power supply systems is a tremendous loss of heat.

But in the housing to introduce energy efficient technologies more difficult than in industry. Today in Russia, such tariffs for heat and power that modern energy-saving system is very difficult to recoup. One of the largest banks in St. Petersburg wanted to introduce a modern system of heating with temperature control in his office, but economists estimate that it will pay off no earlier than 30 years. Even financial institutions will not invest in new technologies to such conditions, and prefer to continue to heat the surrounding environment. – Nevertheless, and we have a number of companies touting modern energy-saving system for offices and for residential buildings. – Indeed, there are experimental house with a cooling system from groundwater, with secondary use of thermal energy of water.

Valentine Koryakina

” What other reasons can affect a change in price in the new year? Elections raise prices? Importance of elections in recent years has increased dramatically. These results define further the political course of Russia, and also affect the stock market in the country, prices and much more. “There’s a living property Kirov prices have hardly changed – the director of the Academy of Sciences’ Perspective “Valentine Koryakina. – In my opinion, this is largely due to the election. Recently finished Duma elections, and in March will choose a new president. Most likely, the stagnation in prices will continue until early spring. And after the end of the cost of housing will increase.

Politics is politics. To a large extent this will affect the growth, of course, the primary market housing, rather than the secondary. Just think where else to go up further “, who are now in need of major repairs?” With such an outlook in accordance with the majority of the Kirov Realtors. “The primary market will rise in price due to growth in land prices for cement and other construction materials, – says Realtor “Real Estate Agents, Voronova, – if the growing primary market, then clearly more expensive and secondary. We often such a situation: a man opens the newspaper and sees that any apartment costs, for example, half a million rubles, comprehended it, he decides to sell his apartment is for two million. Thus is born a new rise in prices. In the secondary market prices dictated by the people themselves. ” “The top does not want the lower classes could not” If there were serious reasons for the fall of the market, it would undoubtedly have occurred during a period of stagnation.

But once the market find the bottom and below did not go, so its something from the bottom supports. Be maybe it’s the overall growth in living standards and incomes. “Opportunities for people exhausted by mortgages and other loans. Since everyone who wanted to buy flats, they have already acquired two years ago and last year – Larissa commented Missed, an expert on real estate agency “Perseus.” – Although the demand for real estate, financial opportunities kirovchan, namely the ability to pay, has increased significantly. So now Purchasing an apartment in emphasis is not so much on price but on quality housing. ” Prices will be lower? But perhaps, in 2008 the long-awaited decline in prices for apartments in Kirov, since they are already quite high and increase significantly further they have nowhere to go? “At this point in the Kirov region is stagnating market. The market is worth it! If such a situation will last until the New Year, the housing starts a bit cheaper, – says Joan Britvina, director of branch “MIS- property. – Rusty prices have further nowhere. What will happen if the price per square meter will rise, for example, three thousand rubles? Perhaps, throughout Russia and the prices will go up, but we have in the past and this this forecast – Spring stagnating housing market. With regard to prices: if they will grow, it is unlikely to gain the scale of past years. In the coming year in the housing market is most likely a slight increase: in an average of 12-20% per year. And it is hardly reasonable to assume that doubling the value of the Kirov apartments. Although the forecasts, as they say – a thankless task.