Social Service

She is necessary to emphasize that this delicate process of formation in the academy and in the field, it is a space of education and learning that must be thought and be reflected as a strategical field for the professional formation of that it will play excellent function in the social field of inclusion of the vulnerable citizens, as well as that of the social assistance to need. Therefore indispensable it is, that this agreement permeie the understanding of the students and participant supervisors while of the construction of this formative universe in the academic relation and of field, either in the public, private sector or third sector. ' ' () The positioning of the social assistant, front to the professional demands, discloses to its commitment, alicerado in a position ethical-politics. In the period of training, the student has chance to exert the professional ethics locating itself in relation to the inherent questions to the professional work. () ' ' .

The author of the article quotation of reflexiva form, Buriolla (1996) emphasizing a study on the responsibilities of the involved and directed actors to the activities of the period of training. ' ' (…) In the current conjuncture, the period of training is walking for a new platform, that exceeds the relations theoretician-practical and university-society, to insert in the relations education-work. This quarrel, that is still shy in the Brazilian universities, was mainly provoked by the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education LDB (law 9,394/96), that it brought for the scene of the academic debate new elements norteadores to the education: curricular flexibility, autonomy of the Institutions of Superior Education and the entailing education-work ' '. However inside of this new conception, we perceive a change of the wait before for a trainee liabilities for one aprendente of the proactive profession in a field that before was not so recognized. ' ' () The contemporaneidade demands each time more professional qualified, endowed with knowledge specialized and brought up to date () ' ' . Therefore it is possible to deduce that the author presents the article pointing Curricular Lines of direction of the Course of Social Service, the supervision of the period of training as ambincia favorable to the process of reflection, accompaniment and new constructions of knowing, it enters the study object, it says, Social matter and a set of possibilities between the professor supervisor and the professional of field with sights to the formation of the trainee, apprentice of the essential profession for the eradication of the social inaquality. ' ' () the period of training supervised in Social Service is basic in the process of professional formation; however, to study it and to understand it are a constant challenge so that in fact he is lcus of construction of the professional identity of the student. Therefore, she is necessary to continue therefore still has a long way to be covered ' ' . Concluding, it is urgent, possible and necessary that, academy, professionals and students are intent to the movements of the society and the transformations of the world of the work that in such a way affect the conceptions of the historical trajectory of the Social Service as of the daily demand required in unstable in the field of formation and the work.