
Soon Russia invaded the Republic of Georgia, in the State of Georgia in the U.S. announced the discovery of the century: that of a Bigfoot. While this last finding has proven to be a fraud, the Caucasian war comes evidencing have lot of farce. Initially us cried that its diplomats asked him to Georgia that he not attack South-Ossetia, and Moscow appeared triumphant showing the world his leadership skills at its periphery. However, even though George Bush gripe of the tragedy of the Georgia pro-Bush, the truth is that since the outbreak of that war his candidate McCain began to reach out to Obama in the polls. To regain electoral support Republicans do not need to invent a yeti, but if you show that there is a military monster that requires us to keep a tough foreign policy. Moments in which many people wary of Bush by the recession, McCain can show the Russian threat as an example that his country needs to be led by a former military expert in wars. Original author and source of the article.. Swarmed by offers, Michele Mansilla is currently assessing future choices.

Government Appliance

In Spain they generate annually around 20 million tons of waste, of which only about 45,000 are recycled. Of them, some 21,000 correspond to paper, some 8,600 to glass, 7400 to wood, 3000 to textiles and 2600 to ferrous metals, according to sources of the AERESS (Spanish Association of Social and solidarity economy recuperators). You might not have in mind, but is very true that faced with these figures, the purchase/sale both furniture and second-hand appliances market is presented as a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to lengthen the life of these products and avoid the proliferation of waste. Rescuing lost appliances the alternative of reuse is so solid, that from the Ministry of the environment supports the reuse of second-hand appliances. Read more here: Congressman Lee Zeldin. Such is the example of the campaign launched last year which had as motto the slogan love me as if for the first time.

It reuses and gives life to home appliances. Once we’ve all had a used appliance which we want to get rid. It may be that the same is found in good condition or not. Remember that if the appliance is damaged, you can sell it in specialty stores that use parts as replacement material or you can get repaired it then re-insert it in the market. If you are not convinced, visit Congressman Lee Zeldin. In the event the appliance it is without damage that prevent its normal operation, will be easier to both give it to a relative or friend, how to sell in specialty stores. In all the towns and cities there are shops which are engaged in the sale of second-hand appliances. You can even try to sell them at flea markets or publish them on classified ads websites. If you decide to get rid of him without earning any money since you think it is rubbish, it is suitable that you deshagas the used appliance using the system who have collectors of waste in your area for these cases, it is possible that they intended them for associations for their subsequent settlement and reuse.

It is certain that otherwise, they destroy them following the recycling guidelines marked by the Government, for purposes of avoiding the generation of toxic waste.Keep in mind that when is undone an appliance (a TV, a washing machine, stereo, computer, etc) this is automatically converted into what is known as waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). In Spain only recycles 15% of this type of waste. For your information, keep in mind that it is estimated that each of the Spanish citizens annually generate about 16 kilos of WEEE. Okay, the figure may seem minor, but considering that we are 44 million citizens, the figure rises to 656.000 tonnes. That, in case of not having a considerate treatment, can they become potential pollutants from air and water. As you can see it both for ecological consideration or earn a few euros and help others to buy a good product at a low cost, sale of second hand home appliances market is an option that you should not overlook. What if in your case you are thinking about buying and not selling, you memorize the notion that the law 23/2003 establishes that all those goods purchased secondhand have one year warranty. To the rescue of second hand furniture market of sale of second hand furniture is not very different from the appliances. Perhaps the most marked difference is that in many cases, while electronics lost value with the passage of the years, many furniture especially the quality rise of price in direct relationship to its antiquity.

Daniel Goleman

Emotional intelligence and its relationship with organizational learning. With regard to the management of emotions in organizations, different investigations pose that the organization with emotional intelligence must reduce the disparity between the objectives, goals and values set forth and that actually applied, to increase this way, organizational learning. For this reason Goleman (2000) presents the statement of an organization’s objectives as an emotional role: articulate a sense of goodness that shared allows members of an organization that are building together think something valid, (p. 343). The following table presents skills that demonstrate competence in emotional intelligence in organizations, which contribute to organizational learning: box 16 attitudes on emotional intelligence that promote organizational learning, according to Daniel Goleman (2000) emotional intelligence description self-knowledge emotional attitudes. Obtain a reading of the emotional climate, as it affects performance achievement.

Review the environment in search of opportunities for entrepreneurship adaptability and data. Flexibility the challenges or obstacles self-control perform effectively under pressure, rather than react with panic, anger or alarm integrity. The reliability that creates trust. Optimism. Flexibility against setbacks empathy. Recently Richard Blumenthal sought to clarify these questions. Understand the feelings and outside perspectives, whether customers or internal members. Harnessing diversity. Use the differences as opportunities.

Political awareness. Understand the economic, political and social trends. Influence capacity for persuasion strategies. Creation of linkages. Strength of personal ties between individuals and with the Organization. Source: Elaborated with information taken from Goleman (2000) the importance of these skills for any organization seems clear by itself, however different investigations (Goleman, 1998, 1999;) Boyatzis and McKee, 2004, among others), evidence that a large number of organizations of different contexts (governmental, non-governmental, social, political and educational, among others) are unaware of how the lack of assessment of these skills in the Organization affects performance, individual and organizational and hence its social mission. Goleman (1998), has considered five emotional skills, defining them as follows: an emotional skill is an ability learned, based on emotional intelligence, which originates an outstanding work performance: the same is classified in turn into two large groups: personal fitness, and social fitness, (Goleman, 2000). Reviewing the concepts developed above, you can see clearly that the emotional intelligence in the organizations means use all strategies, competencies and tools available to keep your balance: know how to manage conflicts and traverse the unfavorable moments that occur in the institution, recognize and accept own feelings; and assume the mistakes as learning opportunities. In this same line of thought, Maturana (2000) proposes that it is important to recognize our emotions and in the complex process of relational, discover in which emotion is another, just look at his actions and, if you want to know their actions look their emotions. Likewise poses, these only looks are possible that we not prejudge what we see before looking, and he concludes by saying that this is an act of wisdom, (p. 41). For this author, there are three concepts through a recursive dynamic coupling, that make up the basic structure of a cognitive system: body, language and emotion. The body, as biological entity enables the emergence of language, by determining the way in which we We set up as observers of a reality which cannot be objectively. In turn, the language represents a biological phenomenon, since the communication between individuals is possible by the nature of their nervous systems; but it happens in the domain of coordination of actions of the participants and not in their physiology and neurophysiology. Finally, we always perceive, and therefore we know, from particular emotion.

Union Of European Languages

In the coming months you will have finally created more jobs: those of performers of the different Spanish languages at the Senate in Madrid. It softens I more than likely image of colleagues with headphones to understand well what they say their countrymen, as if theirs were those multilingual meetings of the UN. In addition, it must not be anything easy to find simultaneous translators of the Basque language Catalan or Gallego to Basque. The most sublime of all will occur, however, in the translation of catalan to the Valencian and vice versa, given the similarity of both languages if not mere dialectal difference of a same language. I imagine the astonishment of the neighbouring countries to our linguistic babel and admires me also the added effort of the suffered editors of the journal of sessions of the Senate before the logical multiplication of his work by five, so no official language is ignored. The excess of 23 official languages, no less, it is precisely one of the main problems of the Union European, which hampers daily decision-making and delaying the enactment of many standards.

And that, fortunately, the interpreters of the Maltese and Gaelic are empty in the Parliament, since the speakers of these two languages prefer to express themselves in English. That is the logical thing: either you think anyone in United States use the French language in the legislature of Louisiana, the Spanish at California or the navajo on the Arizona. Of course Honourable Members could do so, since there is no official language in the country; but all use the English, because that is the only common language in which all of them can be understood. They already see that even in this language we are original. If costs to our politicians time and talent, and if our country had no other problems much more serious that face, until we could afford the luxury of doing babelico ridiculous. As it is not, bind us males and learn Spanish that every time we use it worse and that it already enjoys in more speakers in the United States than in the own Spain.

Spanish Agency

Facebook will undergo an investigation by the Spanish Agency of protection of data, for a possible non-compliance related to the safety of the personal data of its users. According to the Agency, it is likely that the social network exists a hole in security, what has failed to lead to advertisers and Facebook companies have taken advantage of to access personal data of users of the same. Apparently, it has been the FACU-consumers, who takes from the 2010 investigating these leaks, which have applied to the AEPD make an exhaustive monitoring of the apparent low security measure that Facebook offers its users. According to FACUA, since last year they have problems with certain applications that the social network offers to his followers and that downloaded and used within your profile. These technical errors are those that have caused the dissemination of data of its users and that they have gone to a hands of advertisers and companies. FACU-consumers, has been much emphasis on provisions of article 9 of the organic law 15/1999, of 13 December, of protection of Personal data, which in summary States that responsible for all such personal data must adopt all necessary measures to protect and ensure the safety of all stored in personal character. This has leaked information from other years, putting in evidence the social network by its multiple errors in the field of the safety of information. While the report says that clear evidence of the leak of data in favor of advertisers there is, they recommend to users having this type of installed applications that change their passwords to void so codes that have been able to enter and filter all your data..

Personal Loan

Before defining the term personal loan which all we’ve heard thanks to the extensive and aggressive advertising that normally launched financial institutions to promote their services, we will define the loan concept. The one which has been framed as an economic obligation acquired by a person to require money for a specific purpose, where this is committed to repay the amount owed within one stipulated period interest rate (which is the profit of the Bank). We already have clear the loan concept, we will now explain the term personal loan. This is an immediate application for money where the borrower offers to guarantee his own person; i.e., undertakes to pay monthly or biweekly credit memo to the amount you requested. Regularly, is necessary to have several guarantors, those who speak in epic terms swear loyalty to the borrower undertakes to respond for the breach of this. But do not panic, these types of loans have been categorized as an easy and economical solution (Yes, as well as read, economic!) because they allow to perform a myriad of investment interest, which still remains somewhat high, allows you to release stress thanks to the payment facilities offered by the banks.

Phenomenon Unthinkable

We return to politics as a phenomenon thinkable Teodulo Lopez Melendez is true we live in the time of the image. This implies that the specific purposes are unnecessary, as well practiced, so that the simulation becomes the head of some powerful lost the new principle, one which is the same model that is shown, what is important, and where eager hope viewers are taught a game that have already been accustomed to playing that it ends up becoming dispersion and annulment of the political. The current Venezuelan regime has succeeded in creating an image of thought in which almost no longer be can think but from within the pensamiento-Estado centrality. That is why in his speech there are always elements of truth, a very minority, but which creates effects of truth. From there his tenure despite their mistakes and their incompetence. We must oppose a new thought, a distinct symbolic organization, while we do the opposite: a constant repetition, displays it in the Doppelganger, in a few words, a simulacrum of representation that reinforces the image. In the absence of an original political strategy Government runs rampant with the staging of their chains or their Alo, President of spectacular solicitation now impregnated with expropriations and insults nearly every day. If there is inconsistency or contradiction in the discourse of the dictator he is simply because there is no need to articulate speeches.

His only interest is the development of a power strategy based on the desire to show, that we see doing rave masses previously committed and arreadas to the place of the show. Break it did not happen by way of the Doppelganger because the original order of the copied image was the change the scale between political system and the massive sphere. Play was, as we have said, become a perpetual instant purpose. In these conditions you can not say that politics is a possibility to be done, unless somehow the interstices to seek to overcome the blaze of hatred.


Zhengzhou Hongxing machinery dominates the domestic market by creative, innovative and dared to challenge spirit crusher impact. And rely on their own strength to conquer the world. With the attitude of dedication, Hongxing machinery constantly absorbs the international advanced technology. After elaborate of exploration and research, Hongxing created the crushing equipment with comparable to the world brand. It not only himself, but also strengthened has won more and more market and El more and more honorable title. It also walked out of an increasingly growing modern industry way. Carefully study the status of China s cement industry, we can find that crusher has strong development momentum, and expand the demand for sand and gravel aggregates.

Hongxing impact crusher breaks materials by impact energy, can produce high quality and efficiency cement raw materials after several rounds of multi – role composite crush, not only effectively improve energy efficiency, but also applies energy conservation and environmental protection principle, making base pad for the transformation and upgrading of the cement companies and extension of industrial chain. In order to meet the needs of most customers at home and abroad and adapt to the construction of economical society, it is reported that the Hongxing machinery has done some improvement in performance on the basis of original knowledge crusher. Moreover, as to the defect that the crusher inner line being broken easily, Hongxing has introduced from abroad advanced special steel manufacturing technology to make up for the domestic defect. The impact crusher was widely used in the production of high grade highway, water and electricity, artificial application, broken, construction and other industries with stone. When operatation, the crusher drove by motor, rotor rotating with high speed, material after coming, it hitted with the rotor plate hammer, and then retaliation to line to be broken again, finally discharged from material the opening board. The user can adjust the gap between counter attack frame and the frame to change the grain-size and material shape.

2012 is widely favored by all parties, as a larger demand models in mining machinery industry, the prosperity or stable trends of impact crusher will have essential influence on the whole industry, so big companies should apply cooperation and rational development to create the perfect 2012 in impact crusher field. After joining the energy-saving element, it is still necessary for Henan jaw crusher to ensure energy-saving targets under different conditions, which put forward higher requirements for the technical level. At the same time, with a clear price advantage as well as relatively strong product quality, domestic impact crusher import and export situation appears booming on the basis of 2011; Foreign impact crusher market will open to hematite beneficiation process. In recent years, our company has invested millions of RMB in building the advanced production line and modern research and development center. We have formed a professional service team engaged in research and development, management, sale, production and installation and realized the perfect combination of an production research. We also realized the transformation from made by Hongxing to created by Hongxing. After decades of years development, Hongxing has become one of the famous enterprises in the production of ore and sand making reduction equipment. We firmly believe that our skill is the driving force of your career, our quality is the power of increasing your confidence, our honesty is the flam of acquiring your recognition, and our service is the guarantee of improving your satisfaction! Primary crushers: cone crusher: