
An interview with world memory champion Dr. Gunther Karsten before recently made BrainEffect for Eddy as it received support from prominent page. None other than memory record holder and 17-facher world champion in individual events, Dr. Gunther Karsten, was positive about the product. In an interview with a well-known German-speaking newspaper, Karsten said: “products such as BrainEffect show it can improve his mental capacity, without damaging brain doping medium to access.

I find this approach commendable and therefore like to recommend BrainEffect.” The Berlin company white wall sold the product BrainEffect, which is designed to provide an optimal supply of specific nutrients for brain and nerve cells since early 2010 under. Recently BrainEffect was Eddy as it received support from prominent page. None other than memory record holder and 17-facher world champion in individual events, Dr. Gunther Karsten, was positive about the product. In the interview with Karsten said a well-known German newspaper: “products such as BrainEffect show it can improve his mental capacity, without damaging brain doping medium to access. I find this approach commendable and therefore like to recommend BrainEffect.” In the interview, Dr. Karsten also spoke about the performance ability of the human brain and the role played by an optimized nutrition thereby.

Here, courtesy of Dr. Karsten, a short excerpt. Question: can you remember Dr. Karsten, how many numbers in an hour? Karsten: For many years, I held the world record with 1949 digits, which I set up at the University of Oxford – so a lot of stock prices q: last year you made up a new world record at the age of 48. Actually decreases the performance of memory with age, or not? K: Yes, physiologically seen. But this age-related reduction more than compensates with good memory techniques, training and optimal tuning of the brain. Q: you are not only mental athletes, but also a successful entrepreneur.