The Binder

Try it to be no longer than one sentence, and may contain the all the things you wrote in the essay. Step 3. Gather information. In order to strengthen the thesis of the evidence you need information, you are writing about scientific fact or is it just your own observation. Note that the sources from which originate from the facts. Do not ignore the facts and statements that refute your point of view. A good essayist will always find arguments to support his thesis. Step 4.

Plan your essay. Now it's time to strengthen your main idea with facts. Carefully analyze all the information you received. Do you see the basic principles and observations? Try create a mental map, which you will adhere to when writing. Make a short plan, come up with titles to the paragraphs in order to streamline the structure of the essay. Step 5.

First, write the main part. Identify three basic ideas that will help you to strengthen the thesis of the text. Each view must be supported by evidence, examples and arguments. In a brief essay, each paragraph must cover the same idea. In longer can require an entire page in order to substantiate the point of view. Follow your plan and build a proposal in a logical order, from one to another. After all describe the main ideas, connect all parts of the binder proposals. Step 6. Write a conclusion. Summarize your main ideas, and offer the reader the direction in which to develop them. What conclusions can be drawn from the thesis? What questions remain unanswered? There is no place for to offer any new information, just "perepakuyte" what you have already discussed, using a broader perspective. Step 7. Write to the entry. Now that you have prepared the bulk and the conclusion, you are in a better position to tell the reader about what you write. Explain your tezisnoe statement, and how you will confirm it in its main features. Do not use a trivial expression: "This is an essay about that …" or "The theme of this essay … "or" I'll show that …. " Start with a general statement to back up his question or problem, then the thesis and a brief overview of your points of view. For the long essay, it is sometimes useful to use the concept of "Inverted pyramid" when you start with a broader description of your topic and gradually narrows to the main idea of the text. Step 8. Read the writing. Now do not worry about typos and spelling errors. Underline them, so after a while to come back and correct the text. Read the essay from beginning to end. Goes smoothly whether one proposal to another? A one paragraph to another? Each statement must be something to do with the previous one. If you do not like the thoughts order or structure of paragraphs, change them. Step 9. Check for errors. Avoid repeating words, jargon, check out the punctuation. Good luck to you in writing an essay!