Productive Chain

Brazil in accord with Brazilian Institute of Egg yolks and precious Metals extending the access of the microns and small companies to the credit as form to increase the number of jobs, to improve the income, to professionalize young and to promote the inclusion social. In this context, to implement and to develop action in local productive arrangements in a state of the Northeast region imply that not to promote the access of the small productive units to the technological, financial and legal services. It implies, primordially, in directing efforts in the direction to redesign one politics of regional development recognizing the diversities, the especificidades and the vocation of the region its people. The MARKET OF EGG YOLKS AND JEWELS the productive chain of egg yolks and jewels is represented by a system of activities that engloba the extration of the raw material, the stonecutting of rocks, the transformation in products and its commercialization. Brazil is known internationally as important producer of precious rocks. They is esteem that in its ground they are 35% of the world-wide reserves. It is the only producer of imperial topaz and tourmaline Paraba and as the producing one of emeralds. It also produces great amounts of citrus, agate, water-navy, amethyst, tourmaline, topaz and crystal of quartz.

The sector demand one adequate and steady public politics to diminish the informality and to promote the competitiveness of the exportations. Although the absence of one more efficient and including politics of exportations around the transport and of the localization of the producing companies, the egg yolk sector and jewels is a generating fort of verge in the country. In 2004 the sector exported around US$ 667 million, what it corresponds 46% of the esteem production, thus evidencing the positive impact in the Brazilian balance of payments. The chain of egg yolks and metals is between the considered sectors dynamic, therefore the world-wide commerce of its products grows above of 4% to the year and Brazil increased its participation in this market of 0,5%, in 1999 for 1% in 2004.