Publishing House

The problem of freedom? the responsibility of the individual, find the person your site in the harmony of the universe enliven all the works of the author of the drama life is a dream. And wit? tenacity for the achievement of the objectives, which characterize the characters of his comedies of love, remain in tension the Viewer. Parts of Calderon, his philosophical dramas life is dream, the constant Prince, the comedias-intrigas La dama duende, the warden himself? other, more than once had they been translated into Russian? represented in the Russian scene? Soviet. Many times, the scientists? poets who investigate? they translate the Uteraria heritage of the Spanish playwright, they discover new values in dramatic works. Now, it seems, we are on the eve of a new burst of enthusiasm for the inheritance of the Spanish classic do do the century of? r? not only because that is approaching the anniversary of his birth. The progress Publishing House published a compilation of parts of Calderon with a view to readers, today very numerous, who aspire to know the Spanish literature in the original.

The pieces appeared philosophical life is dream? The magical prodigious, the comedy the warden himself? The statue of Prometheus, lesser-known, but very important for understanding the evolution of the literary work of Calderon. The presentation of the book will be in charge of Dmitri Bisti, one of the best Soviet illustrators. A commemorative Symposium, carried out by the Commission for the comprehensive study of the Iberian cultures was held in Moscow in the autumn of 1981. Your theme: Calderon? Spanish culture in the centuries XVI – XVII. They participated in Symposium leading hispanists of the Soviet Union. Their reports? papers appeared in the number two Iberia publication no periodic dedicated to the Iberian culture.

Solemn commemorative meeting took place in the House of friendship? in centres of higher education in Moscow? Leningrad (Petersburgo at the time). The commemoration of the anniversary calderoniano in the USSR also marked a new stage in the study of the Spanish literature of the 17TH century, allowed to reveal new facets in the work of other classics from the Spanish scene as the great ancestor of Calderon, Lope de Vega. The Spain of Cervantes? Calderon, Garcia Lorca? Antonio Machado, is us becoming more endearing.