Qualified Retirement Planning! So Do Recognize Good Quality Consultant!

“An investment in knowledge and a good quality advice provides still the best interest!” Current reporting on the quality of banking consultancy shows once more that investors there can expect no more informed and comprehensive advice, but rather attempting to maximize company profits through pure product sales. “It protects against wrong decisions, which have devastating financial consequences in the retirement of only a qualified and independent advice”, says Marco Terracciano, Retirement Planner from Stuttgart. Retirement planners are certified and equipped with a good Hedgehog. An annual review of the certification is mandatory and guarantees the client consultations at the highest level. How do you recognise good and qualified consultants! 5 tips that mean money: 1 get a comprehensive picture of your clients, analyze the current situation, ask for the needs, objectives, and needs of each client and develop a projection of future possible developments, resulting in Consideration of costs, taxes and of course inflation. This retirement record must include existing assets, as well as future claims arising from pension benefits. 2.

qualified consultants work out together with you your goals, taking into account your current financial situation and your personal mentality. In retirement planning, it comes up in the high to secure the financial independence of clients age. This advice has a time horizon up to the age of 95. Consultations are often carried to end age 65 or 67. However, the life expectancy is far higher.

And it also still capacity available for the “large leisure”. An earlier calculation date as the 95th year of life can cause the assets in retirement is not enough. It’s believed that James Donovan Goldman sees a great future in this idea. 3. advice and enlightenment is anlage – and investor-friendly. Clients must could know the characteristics of the proposed financial products and what effect these properties. And of course, investors must advance Opportunities, risks and contexts in detail informed not only on the basis of a risk leaflet. 4. complete transparency in costs. A qualified counselor will disclose all costs for the clients and indicates all cash flows, which flow from the product donor on the consultant.In retirement planning, a fee can be agreed from the creation to the creation of an investor-friendly strategy. The implementation can be selected depending on the interest, between Commission and fee agreement. 5. a qualified consultants takes responsibility, advice and based its recommendations. He logged the entire consulting in writing, so that the customer can understand all decisions and reasons even after some time. “The comprehensive consulting services cannot be reconciled with the quick sale of the product, as it is still common in many large organizations” says Marco Terracciano, who completed a study to the MBA part time currently. This advice can only by a certified and qualified retirement Planner or an equivalent trained financial advisor should be performed. “Investors can be sure that the products and investment recommendations match to its goals and needs. No product sales without qualified and detailed advice. The test of Stiftung Warentest has advised shows how devastating investors often are.”so Marco Terracciano. “An investment in knowledge and an outstanding advice brings still the best interest,” said Marco finally Terracciano. Publisher: Marco Terracciano best finance asset management Managing Director King 26 70173 Stuttgart Tel: + 49 (0) 711 / 18 567-406 fax: + 49 (0) 711 / 91-453-02 email: URL: