
Then add the cocoa butter, but we all need to heat does not exceed 70 C and was not prolonged, in order to avoid changes to modify the cocoa butter and increase by 2 – 3 the temperature of its melting point. After a complete meltdown of its foundation was stirred for 40 C. In the final basis determine the melting point and time, the total strain. If the melting point of more basis or less a given, it corrects the introduction of paraffin or hydrofat, adding them to the heated to 60 – 70 C, a basis for thorough mixing. The finished base is filtered through a fat druk-filter as a filter material – belting cloth or brass mesh. And with the help of compressed air passed into the reactor, where the drugs are introduced.

Keeping the basis of drugs. At the same time take into account the physical and chemical properties of the components. Their dissolved in water (procaine, resorcinol, zinc sulfate), ethanol (iodine crystal) through (menthol) and prepare solutions, concentrates. Often in the suppository is extract of the herb thick, which was dissolved in mixing an equal quantity of water temperature 45 – 48 C. Concentrated solutions of drugs filtered through calico and fed into a reactor. Medicinal substances which are insoluble in water, ethanol, oil-based typing as a suspensions (zinc oxide, bismuth nitrate, etc.).

Grinding of drugs leads to trehvaltsovoj mazeterke, and large-crystalline materials – in a ball mill. Crushed drugs are mixed in a cauldron equal to the number of bases or sesquialteral heated to 40 – 50 C and coming from the reactor through a filter druk. The resulting slurry is cooled, concentrated and grind. Grinding was repeated several times to obtain the necessary grinding. The finished mixture is stirred suppozitornuju for 45 min, analyzed and fed to the packing. Formation and packing the candles. Produce candles in two sizes: 1 (weight from 1.2 to 1.5 grams, length 29 mm, o8mm), 2 (weight 2.3 – 2.5 g, length 35 mm o10mm). Time the total strain is not more than 3 – 4 '. Pouring suppositories produced on machines with separate operations of casting and packaging, or on automatic machines, suppository. C analysis of the existing equipment for production of suppositories can be found in the report of the Academy of IKAR industrial markets, "Analysis of equipment for the production of suppositories."