Brazilian Crisis

The crisis of the coffee sector, stimulated for the international crisis of 1929ainda remained causing low in prices of the main product of Brazilian exportation, taking the government to burn part of exceeding production. The crisis anger to facilitate to the blow and the access of Vargas to the power, that made association to the problem of the coffee, guaranteeing to the cafeicultores freedom of movements exporting and import. The coffee crisis assisted the growth of internal industrialization. Several defend had been them that they had led to this process: The depreciation of the currency; The high one of the exported products; The growth of an urban consuming market. But the situation of internal industrialization was not steady, lacked stops in its growth investments in this sector for the improvement of its products, the economic crisis and the representation lack politics made it difficult the situation still more.

The Armed Forces will go to have decisive paper in the process of Brazilian industrialization, as much the high ones how much the low steps were of common agreement how much to the importance of this sector for the development economic politician and of nation. (p.262-263). The New State was at the hands of the Armed Forces and its representatives, therefore it was the only nucleus organized and active in the accomplishment of the blow. The instability economic politics and of years 30, the tenentista movement threatened the homogeneity of it exercises and its power in crisis times. As measure of prevention appeared the law of national security that to give ample to be able I exercise to it, and this has for obligation economically to defend the wealth of the subsoil and the power plants of a country dependent. (p.264-265). From 1935 the president withheld ample legislative and executive, it she kept I except ‘ ‘ interests nacionais’ ‘ , the state was apartidario and it did not have ‘ ‘ oposio’ ‘ politics.