Brazilian Legislation

Introduction the agrarian legislation in Brazil passed to be organized from the real interests of suplantao of economic impediments, social politicians and who endorsed the organization of the Brazilian society. The impediments would not be centered in the form of organization of the liberal State, with possible changes of orientation in elapsing of the colonial period of what properly a regulation necessity, under the liberal point of view. That is, if in the period of Brazil Colony, it did not have great necessities of regulation directed toward the agrarian areas, in the Empire, the economic, social organization and politics pointed significant alterations, demanding explicit delimitation of what it was intended as society model. In this direction, this text possesss for objective to analyze the Portuguese influences in the organization of the Brazilian land legislation and its abrangncia in the process of enraizamento of the relations of being able. Under the point of sight of what Saucers and Coast (2000) they had called escravagista-mercantile capitalism, the Brazilian agrarian legislation would tend to corroborate with the forms of domination of the capital in Brazilian lands, wants with its consolidation using itself the enslaved work, pparently destoante of the capitalist system, wants later, with the magnifying of the commercial capital and industry. The domination forms were gifts, also, through the property of the land and the consolidation of the Brazilian agrarian structure.

A set of favorable factors the capitalist organization in Brazil, propitiated the necessity of maintenance of the agrarian structure under the logic of the great property. I fall the Prado Jr (1981) in ' ' Formation of Brazil Contemporneo' ' it standes out essential elements of the material life in the colony, such as the great farming, the cultivation and the enslaved work. It still detaches, that secondary elements, as the cattle one, the sector of services and the economy directed toward the production of foodstuffs, would be subordinated to the essential elements, in view of that its activities would be come back, as much for the domestic market as external.