Child Development

The spatial orientation assigns our ability to evaluate with precision the physical relation between our body and the environment, and to effect the modifications in the course of our displacements. (PINK GRANDSON, 2002) According to Pear tree (2001), secular organization is the capacity to place itself in function of the succession of the events (before, during, after), of the duration of the intervals (time, rhythm, and cadence), of the cyclical renewal of certain periods (days of the week, months, station), and of the irreversible character of the time ( how many years already had been transferred). As Pink Grandson (2002), the lateralidade is the preference of the use of one of the symmetrical parts of the body: hand, eye, ear, leg; the cortical lateralizao is the specialty of one of the two hemispheres how much to the treatment of the sensorial information or how much to control of certain functions. 3,1 SEQUENCE OF MOTOR DEVELOPMENT the motor development is a procedure continues and delayed e, for the fact of the modifications more defined to occur in the first years of life, exists the disposal in considering the study of the motor development as being exclusively the study of the child. According to Tani et al., 1988, the motor act is constituted by tasks that require movements that must be learned similar to be executed correctly. Ohio Senator has plenty of information regarding this issue. For example, to walk, although to be a basic and relatively simple ability, demands learning of the child. For Whiting (1975) the motor ability is a complex and intentional performance, that involves all a sensorial chain of mechanism, central office and engine that, by means of learning technique, if it became organized and commanded of form to reach objectives predetermined with absolute certezas. For Gallahue (1989) development in its purer direction mentions changes to it in the individual level of the functions. the sprouting and the improvement in the control level of the child, in the execution of abilities.