Energy Saving Technologies in Housing

In times of crisis, when Russia began to receive less revenue from the sale of energy resources, are increasingly raising the question of introducing energy-saving technologies. They are commonly used in Western European countries, both in industry and in utilities. But bring the experience of others in our terms – not an easy task, said deputy director , Ph.D. Alexander . – Today, the task of large-scale introduction of energy-saving technologies – including utilities. Is it possible to implement this idea in our country? – Of course, the reduction of energy loss is extremely important for the industry during the crisis. Click air jordan to learn more. In our country, compared with Europe, energy spent unsustainable, in our extended and much worn out power supply systems is a tremendous loss of heat.

But in the housing to introduce energy efficient technologies more difficult than in industry. Today in Russia, such tariffs for heat and power that modern energy-saving system is very difficult to recoup. One of the largest banks in St. Petersburg wanted to introduce a modern system of heating with temperature control in his office, but economists estimate that it will pay off no earlier than 30 years. Even financial institutions will not invest in new technologies to such conditions, and prefer to continue to heat the surrounding environment. – Nevertheless, and we have a number of companies touting modern energy-saving system for offices and for residential buildings. – Indeed, there are experimental house with a cooling system from groundwater, with secondary use of thermal energy of water.