Federal Law

It is in this narrow sense is necessary to understand the actual privatization of land resources. Based on the foregoing, it follows that the privatization of land relations – is a special case of granting land plots. Of all the acts of land legislation, the term "re-registration of land rights" is used predominantly in the Federal Law "On introduction of the Land Code of the Russian Federation. " "Renewal of previously granted rights to land is a form of land rights from the acts of the executive organs of state authorities and local self-government "3 and in this regard along with the other analyzed the concept of shareware can be considered one of the manifestations of a more general term -" provision of land. " These same manifestations include the concept of drainage and land allocation.

At the same time each of these terms has an independent legal significance, unnecessary confusion which sometimes leads to numerous land disputes. Observation lb Scheinin, the term "provision" is usually used when one wishes to emphasize that the initiative comes from the private complainant, claiming public land, and the term "diversion" – If it is a claim to public land by the state or municipal agency "4. From this position can be partly agree with the only proviso that the Land Code of the Russian concept of "removal of land sites uses including as a synonym for the term "provision of land, which characterizes any relationship to alienate land from the state or municipal property (Eg, Section 3, Article. 33). Category of "designated land" historically refers to any method of alienation of land from state ownership. Under most conditions Connecticut Senator would agree. In this respect, its use is similar to using a concept of provision of land and other manifestations of it. However, the current land law is the term used in two basic meanings: 1) to characterize the relationship to determine zones with special mode use in any category of land (Section 9 Art.

85, n. 2, 5, Art. 86, paragraph 4 of Art. 90, etc.), and 2) to characterize the relationship of allocation of land on account of land share a right of common ownership of the land – the so-called "Allocation of land in kind" (Federal Law on Turnover of Agricultural Land "). From all the above analysis we can conclude that the most generic term that characterizes the relationship to alienate land from public ownership, which has many manifestations and interpretations of their inherent, is the "provision of land." Maxim References: 1. nv Tartsan, na Popov, vn Tartsan. The rights of truckers and growers: legal advice. Questions and Answers, 2006. C. 71. 2. al Korneev. Transactions with land: the manual. M., 2006. C. 62. 3. ga Wolves. Principles of land law in Russia. M., 2005. S. 212. 4. lb Scheinin. Statewide Law of Russia: Textbook. M., 2007. S. 156, 168.