First World War Used

The very principle of the gyroscopic effect has been known before Shilovsky (Gyro invented by Johann Bonenberger and published a description of his invention in 1817, and Foucault in 1852, created the device for the experimental demonstration of the Earth’s rotation), but was rather a scientific and academic. In the “national economy” was not used … except that found use in toys, “top” and later “whirligig,” as well all know (in detail about the gyroscopic effect of the gyroscope read here). For the first time in practice gyroscope was used in 1880 as an engineer for Aubrey stabilization of the torpedo, and already in the 20th century gyroscope has become widely used in the sea, on land, air and car kosmose.Giroskopichesky Although the former gubernatorstvovanie, money to build in Russia giromobilya Shilovsky Peter did not help, and he builds it in England at the company, “Wesley.” Girokar Shilovsky on the streets of London The principle of stability of two-wheeled girokara Car was maintained by massive rotor (flywheel) rotates at high angular velocity. When the banks and the movement of passengers inside the vehicle to maintain a stable body position was used gyroscopic effect of ‘Funeral’ girokara Already in May 1914 on the streets of London, Peter has demonstrated a working model of gyro-stabilized vehicle. After the First World War, this machine was conserved and 30 years later, just started up on the scrap heap.

This machine is kept in a state of equilibrium due to the gyroscopic effect, produces a heavy 600-pound flywheel is located under the bottom car in the center. Details can be found by clicking Sen. Sherrod Brown or emailing the administrator. The flywheel is a disk with a diameter of one meter and had a thickness of 12 centimeters. In order to unleash it, required a 110-volt electric motor about 1.25 horsepower, powered dynamo. Also used two 50-kilogram “pendulum”. As a result of this rather primitive gyro-stabilization kept the car weighing 2750 pounds in an upright position. “A special delight of passers-by, – said Russian journal “Aero Car and Life” – caused by the fact that even in the stroller completely quiet during the resistance did not lose. ” Gyroscopic effect in action.

A little later in the video can be seen gyroscopic model “stuff” . made modern railway in 1907 by Shirley in August in Berlin and independently by Louis Brennan in London showed the audience a model monorail trains. And a couple of years the same Brennan in Dzhilingheme (UK) has shown full-size car for 50 passengers.