Hartz IV The Hostage Of The Merkel Government

Hartz IV the hostage of Government Merkel – renewable means of payment the Agenda 2010, of the SPD and the Greens, brought us Hartz IV. This coalition was the originator and author of the Hartz IV history. The Union participated, with their votes in the Bundesrat, this disastrous, pointless Alliance. Suffolk County Rep. does not necessarily agree. At the time high unemployment under Schroder as Chancellor, the 5 million a way needed, to cover up these numbers. Each welfare recipients who took seek help, had to arise at the employment office, today, to the mediation available employment agency and became unemployed in the statistics.

The trick of Hartz IV, it managed to take out the welfare recipients from the unemployment statistics, and to capture, in an own statistics with unemployed has nothing more to do. To broaden your perception, visit Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs. People who for health reasons can take up any work and have no pension rights, as well as with mini pensions and thus in need of grant are pensioners – remained further until today, in the social assistance. The unemployed, who are able to work, but no Ours are entitled to unemployment benefit I have today’s Hartz IV recipients (unemployment benefit II is the correct term). Everyone can meet this fate which too long, today 12-18 months (depending on age), is unemployed. Currently we count: approx. 3.19 million (unemployment benefit I receiver) unemployed. In addition, there are approx.

approx. 0.90 million in job creation. about 4.92 million (unemployment benefit II/Hartz IV recipients) unemployed. 9.01 million (unemployment benefit I + II receiver) we actually have unemployment. This number is real and there be the mouse no thread off. This number only to 3.19 million was fined by Schroeder’s statistics trick. Hartz IV was fined not only statistics, but a new type of man created. The losers who are left with their children on the margins of society. The social parasite and people who versaufen the money of their children.