Ken Livingstone

When in his first 100 days in the government Brown it saw that the surveys gave two digits him of advantage on the conservatives, it played with the idea to advance the elections. In the end it did not do it because it calculated that, although could gain these it would do, it with a smaller margin of parliamentarians, when he constitutionally could govern more calmly during 34 months. Brown is the first one to premier British in many decades that never have happened through a single election to national level. To arrive showing a united party was something that he raised to be able to resist to tories and to look for to take advantage his divisions and internal quarrels. Nevertheless, that homogeneity, although initially it worked in his favor, has ended up conspiring against Brown. When the public realized that he did not want to advance the elections by a political maneuver I disillusion began to grow and this one has extended as a result of new crises and scandals. The result is that with him by first time in more than 13 years a preservative leader has exceeded to the Labour Party member in popularity, and that people just begin to know what Brown wants to do then their plans of government never were set out in debates or electoral fights.

As fruit of all this is that this one is becoming one of the administrations less popular Labour Party members and than is abriendo all a series of new fissures in the red electoral base. For May they are the municipal elections. Although in London the present mayor Ken Livingstone has many possibilities of obtaining his second re-election (thanks to its own profile and independence of the government, that in a while it expelled to him from the party), the laborismo could undergo forts reverses in the different distritales mayorships from this capital.