Management Community

Goals and Action of the School This project as it was elaborated democratically in set with the professors, therefore, and pedagogical team and community and inside of the reality of this school, aim at to be of meeting with all the interests of the pupils and external community. so that if it fulfills this ideal had been traced some goals: To look for to more know each day the pupil and its reality; To give conditions so that the P.P.p is fulfilled in its integrates, creating mechanisms and possibilities for this; Ressignificar practical the pedagogical one daily to improve education learning; Management of the financial resources in more significant way, also aiming at e, mainly to the pedagogical questions; To look for to develop mechanisms an education to interdisciplinar; To develop projects in short term on: ambient education; parents in the school (participativos); To give to chance and conditions to the professors for continued formation aiming at the quality of education and the proper professor; To make a reflection on community and the world (project); To keep the flow of information between School and the agencies of pertaining to school administration of education; To promote the joint between school, family and community; To acquire knowledge the pupil of its rights and duties, to exert its citizenship; To request next to State Secretariat of Education and Culture when necessary professor of support; for differentiation of methodology for pupils with learning difficulties; To take the pupil to read, to hear, to interpret, to calculate, to write to read the world, from the validity of this Project Pedagogical Politician and; To guarantee the pupil, in all the pertaining to school actions, a scientific character, and technician of planning and evaluation; To make a procedural disgnostic evaluation that has taken in consideration all time of permanence and performance of the pupil in classroom; To guarantee attendance extra-classroom, to assure, through public resources, supply of pedagogical materials for better education and learning. .