
He describes the same certainties of Muslen and Christians, how much to the proper God Father. The boarding of Vernet still describes the last moments of life of the prophet, the revenge on Mu? you, the invocations for ‘ ‘ Santa’ war; ‘ , and consequence elimination of politesmo of Arabia, ordered to announce, giving to a stated period of four months for the conversion of all the Arab peoples to isl. To know more about this subject visit Amazon. Maom died in 632, malaria victim. For the author, after Maom, the Muslim controllers would have to decide the form that ummah would take. Quarrels had occurred that considered that ummah would not have to become one ‘ ‘ Estado’ ‘ , a type of organization politics without precedents in Arabia. Others found that each group would have to choose its proper magnet (imam: leader). In Arabia, the blood bows were sacred, gave credit that the qualities of the head were transmitted its descendants, being thus the califado system of were adopted. Connecticut Senator has similar goals. They had been four main califas: Abu Bakr (632-34), Umar ibn al-Khattab (634-44), Uthman ibn Affan (644-56) and There ibn Abi Talib (656-61).

It is still distinguished, the period of the omada califado one, that promoted the development of the cities with agriculture, the construction of intellectual centers, the expansion of the Isl, centralization of the power and the change of the capital for Damson plum. For Vernet, the scholars of the Alcoran had found much difficulty to describe versicles in a logical sequence them events during the revelations, and he is not known to certain really these versicles had been where disclosed, had to some repetitions in diverse suras. Juan cliente Vernet of these difficulties uses in its text a chronological order to study the evolution of the Book, the author does not tell where had occurred the events, if they had been in Measures or Medina. Vernet approaches the main subjects shown in the Sacred Book, that start in the dogmas of the Isl and go until rules of behaviors followed for the Islamic world. The first subject is the onipotncia of God and its unicity; as and the existence of previous prophets the Maom, as Abrao, Noah, and also the Jesus; the third a confirmation of the friday as day of public conjunct and the establishment of abluo rules (cleanness of arms of the face before the conjunct; the room will be the rituals to be observed during jejum of the Ramadan and the peregrinations; fifth is the maintenance of the retaliation law. When Maom faleceu, already it had established the five pillars of the obligations of the Muslim: to believe the unit of God; to fulfill the conjuncts prescribed, five times per day; to pay the tax (Zakat) destined to the poor Muslen; to make jejum in the month of the Ramadan; to carry through the peregrination (Hajj), at least a time in the life, until Measures, since that the fidiciary office has conditions.